8- One cloudy day

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"It looks like it's gonna rain."

Wei Wuxian peered out at the window that covers the majority of the east wall, his hands and forehead pressed against the glass.

The ominous dark clouds had gathered together, blocking the sun and giving Wei Wuxian a first-class view of the threatening clouds overhead from the third floor.

"Stop that, your fingerprints are getting all over the window," Hua Cheng called from the kitchen counter where he sat lazily with his hand under his chin.

Wei Wuxian turned away from the window wall and hurried over to the kitchen counter, but not before he nearly knocked over a telescope.

"Careful, that costs money," Hua Cheng warned.

"Sorry!" Wei Wuxian squeaked.

He reached the kitchen countertop and clambered onto the stool next to Hua Cheng.

He leaned over, standing on his knees on top of the stool, his palms pressed against the quartz countertop, he peered into a bowl of cookie dough.

"Luo-xiong, add more chocolate chips to that," Wei Wuxian urged.

"...there are already too many."

"No, that's not enough, and can we make another batch of chocolate chip cookies? But let's add one raisin to each one."

"Why," Hua Cheng said. Raisins are wrinkled grapes.

"Because Wen Chao pissed me off the other day and I know he hates raisins," Wei Wuxian replied.

"..." Luo Binghe turned around to turn on the oven.

Wei Wuxian sneaked a hand into the cookie bowl.


"Ow!" Wei Wuxian cried.

Luo Binghe had slapped his hand with a wooden spoon.

"Don't touch it," he warned.

"Bro, just one bite!" Wei Wuxian begged.

"No," Luo Binghe insisted, "You didn't even wash your hands."

"I did!"

"No, he didn't," Hua Cheng declared.

"Hua-xiong!" Wei Wuxian was shocked.

Hua Cheng suddenly became extremely interested in the white paper flowers on top of the table in a clear vase.

Wei Wuxian hopped off the stool and made his way to the sink. He turned on the water and carefully washed his hands with soap.

"Now can I have some?" he asked.

"Hm," Luo Binghe agreed, handing him a small plate.

Wei Wuxian happily took his food and went back to sit on the stool.

"You know, Hua-xiong, at this rate, you'll never find a girlfriend."


"Who said I wanted one," Hua Cheng snapped.

"No? Hua Cheng-gege, you don't want a girlfriend?" Wei Wuxian asked innocently.


"Awe, Hua-xiong, that's fine! Why don't we all stay single and grow old together??? Why, we can all live together and be bros for the rest of our life!!!"


"I, for one, am highly against it," Luo Binghe said.

"Aw, why?"

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