35- I'm good with kids!

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"Ah!" Shen Qingqiu exclaimed. "Luo Zhuzhi?"

The boy bobbed his head. "En... Qingqiu-ge, are you also here for the book signing?"

Shen Qingqiu nodded back. "Yeah, I am. I didn't know you were a fan of the book, Our Agreement."

Luo Zhuzhi's eyes widened. "Oh, I am! I love the book! It's amazing."

"Isn't it? The part where Li Wujian told Wan Weixia that he was going aboard, that part was so bittersweet."

"I know! And their reunion after three whole years always gets me, did you know they also release a song for their story?" Luo Zhuzhi asked.

"Wow, they did?" Shen Qingqiu exclaimed.

Luo Zhuzhi nodded hurriedly. "Yeah, I also heard they were thinking about making a movie too."

Shen Qingqiu blinked. "Oh wow, I really need to go and look into it when I get home."

Luo Zhuzhi smiled. "You should, Qingqiu-ge! Well, I gotta go now... Goodbye."

Shen Qingqiu: "Ah, wait."

Luo Zhuzhi turned around, "...?"

Shen Qingqiu: "How come I don't see you at the daycare anymore?"

Luo Zhuzhi's mouth made an o. "Ah, that's because I already filled up my volunteering hours, so I don't have to go back anymore."

"Oh, I see," Shen Qingqiu mused. So, this is why Luo Zhuzhi was no longer there, leaving Shen Qingqiu to suffer twice as much in the Cang Qiong Daycare Center.

Luo Binghe: "Shen-

"Have you ever considered coming back?" Shen Qingqiu asked Luo Zhuzhi.

Luo Zhuzhi looked reluctant. "Why would I go back there?"

Shen Qingqiu: "Well, I personally think you are very good with the kids, and I bet they missed you."

Luo Zhuzhi: "But I don't miss them..." Luo Zhuzhi grimaced.

Luo Binghe: "Um-

Shen Qingqiu put on his most persuading look and said, "Trust me, you should really come back. It's just not the same without you, the kids miss you, and I really need an extra hand too..."

"..." Luo Binghe looked at Shen Qingqiu. Then he looked at Luo Zhuzhi. He looked down at his sugar hawthorn stick. Why does he feel like a toddler kept quiet by a tanghulu?

"Oh, I don't know," Luo Zhuzhi muttered. "But if Qingqiu-ge really wants-"

"I can do it!"

Luo Binghe's outburst caused both boys to look at him.


Luo Binghe did not like Shen Qingqiu's doubtful tone. It made Luo Binghe quite upset.

Luo Binghe nodded. "I can help you, Shen Yuan-ge, I have time. I actually need to do some volunteering."

"Can you? It's not that I don't trust you, but the kids in that daycare center are really difficult to deal with. Are you good with kids?" Shen Qingqiu questioned. Yes, Shen Qingqiu was doubtful. He wasn't sure how much of a responsibility this puppy-like boy has.

Luo Binghe thinks. Was he good with kids? He didn't really know.

Then the image of Wei Wuxian and Hua Cheng floated in his head and a lightbulb seemed to go off. Oh. He was good with kids. Very good at dealing with them.

So Luo Binghe nodded vigorously. "Mn! Shen Yuan can trust me, I am truly very good with kids!"

Shen Qingqiu was a bit taken aback at Luo Binghe's enthusiasm but nevertheless, "Ah, alright, you can come with me to the daycare center next week then." Shen Qingqiu reached out a hand and patted Luo Binghe on the head. Maybe it takes one to know one.

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