30- The cat, the man, and the cucumber

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Shen Qingqiu was watching himself from above.

It was one of those strange moments when you feel like you are observing yourself from above, watching yourself about to do something really stupid.

He, Xie Lian, Shi Qingxuan, Nie Huaisang, and Wei Wuxian was about to do something really stupid.

Of course, the others didn't think it like that. Only Shen Qingqiu thought it was stupid. So why is he going along with it? He could only blame it on mob mentality.

So what exactly are these schoolboys doing? Well, they are waiting for Xiao Jiu. In the alleyway. Behind a recycling bin.

See, it already sounds stupid.

Wei Wuxian whispered, "Guys, be quiet now. I think I heard the cat. I have great hearing."

"..." No one was going to speak.

A pink snout along with the body of the silky white cat trotted into the alleyway, its head held high. Then it stopped.

The cat's ears and whiskers quivered, sensing something. Its sharp yellow eyes scanned the dark alleyway.

All of them held their breath, not even daring to breathe.

The cat's gaze landed on a spot on the floor. Xiao Jiu's nose twitched. There was a tuna sandwich.

The cat stretched back its body, wary, before moving closer to the food.

There was a glint in Wei Wuxian's eyes. He knew this was going to work. Every cat he met couldn't resist a tuna sandwich made by Luo Binghe.

He watched as Xiao Jiu sniffed the sandwich before lifting a paw. Then the cat held its paw high in the air before bringing it down fast, slapping the sandwich out of the alleyway.


Wei Wuxian was rendered speechless. He turned his head to Shen Qingqiu, 'what the heck is wrong with your cat' was written all over his face.

Shen Qingqiu shrugged at him. He did tell them they should put the sandwich on a gold plate along with a glass bowl of fresh milk. But everyone just thought he was joking. As if.

Wei Wuxian pushed an object into Shen Qingqiu's hands and mouthed, "Okay, maybe you should do it."

Shen Qingqiu's eyes widened slightly. He hurriedly pushed it back and mouthed, "No! This is your idea, not mine!"

Shi Qingxuan turned around and mouthed in a scold, "Stop it! You guys are gonna drop the cucumber!"

Turning to Xie Lian, Shi Qingxuan then mouthed, "Xie Lian, hold the camera correctly and be ready to film at any moment."

What is happening? What are they doing? Weren't they at a picnic?

Let's recap what happened a few hours earlier.

A few hours earlier:

"And then he spun in the air and landed a kick directly at the scumbag's back! It was amazing! You should have seen it, the thief looks as if he choked on his own lungs! Wow! That was awesome! Serves him right!"

"I know right! But you, Shi-xiong, was even more amazing! After you whack him a few times with your bag, I can practically see the soul leaving their body! Now, that was amazing!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed.

The boys turned around and said, "And so that is how we met!"

"That's amazing except I heard this a million times before," Nie Huaisang replied, rolling his eyes playfully. He took the paper fan that Shen Qingqiu had left on the grass and examined it before spreading it open, feeling quite lazy.

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