13- Dinner (Part 1)

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Shen Qingqiu walked down the dormitory hallway. By now, the sun had set, it was around six.

After leaving that alley, Shen Qingqiu went to the bookstore. There, he spent a few hours browsing through fantasy novels.

And also thinking about how he just had to meet his 'pen pal' in a dark alley, feeding an extremely contemptuous (and grumpy) cat. On a rainy day.

Ah, whatever. Shen Qingqiu made it to his dorm's front door. Now, where did he put his key?

Anyway, when the students from MengDie come to his school in a month, he can always pretend that he didn't know. Shen Qingqiu thinks the conversation can go like this:

Wow! You're that boy I met that day while feeding that cat you named Xiao Jiu!

Yeah, I thought your name sounded the same but Luo Binghe was quite a common name (it's not) so I thought it was just a coincidence! And look, you are actually my pen pal! What a coincidence!

Yeah, that will do. Shen Qingqiu found his key in his bag and unlocked the door. He steps inside. Leaving his shoes and umbrella against the wall, he walks towards the living room ready to slump onto the couch.

Anyway, Shen Qingqiu thinks he shouldn't worry about the whole Luo Binghe thing. He wrote and sent his letter like what he was supposed to do, and when he gets a letter back he will just respond normally like-

Uh oh-

"XIE LIANNNNNN!!!" Shen Qingqiu screamed as he tripped over a stuffed fox and crashed headfirst onto the floor.

Three boys came running out of the room.

"Oh no! He's dead!" Shi Qingxuan cried out, after seeing Shen Qingqiu's sprawled figure on the floor.

"Oh wait. Is he trembling? He's not dead! ...right?"

"I don't know! I don't know! Should I call the ambulance????" asked the boy next to Shi Qingxuan.

"Shen-xiong!" Xie Lian ran to Shen Qingqiu, "Gosh, are you alright???"

"Just...help me up." and throw your stuffed fox into the trash.

Xie Lian held Shen Qingqiu's arm and helped him hobble his way towards the couch.

Shen Qingqiu collapsed onto the couch. Mission completed. (yay!)

Xie Lian, Shi Qingxuan, and the other boy stood by the couch.

"..." Shen Qingqiu looked up at them.

"Hey, who are you?" Shen Qingqiu asked, staring at the boy next to Shi Qingxuan.

"Oh! Oh right, I haven't introduced you guys!" Shi Qingxuan exclaimed, clasping his hands together.

"Nie-xiong, this is Shen-xiong, Shen-xiong, this is Nie-xiong."

Shen Qingqiu nodded at the Nie boy. "Hey. It's Shen Yuan, Shen Qingqiu."

"Hello," the boy said back, "Nie Huaisang."

"Yay, we are all friends now!" Shi Qingxuan cheered. Xie Lian clapped twice.

"You know, Huaisang here is actually from Mengdie, his brother is actually the gym teacher there! I first met Huaisang at the mall today!"

"...wait. So you guys haven't been friends for even a day yet?"


"..." okay! whatever.

"I'm hungry, is there any food?"

"..." complete silence.

Shen Qingqiu, "..."

"Well... Shen-xiong, you are not going to believe this but we ate all the food. All of it. During lunch. And... We may or may not be out of instant noodles. Oh and, look! They just issued a tornado warning! There goes our chance of ordering delivery."


Shen Qingqiu's stomach decides it was the right time to growl.

The boys: "..."

Shen Qingqiu sighed.

"I guess this leaves us up to no choice but to..."

Shi Qingxuan gasped. "Shen-xiong... Do we have to?"

"I'll do it," Shen Qingqiu put up a brave smile.

Xie Lian: "I'll help! I'll come with you, Shen-xiong!"

Nie Huaisang: "Um, why are you all acting like you guys are going to risk your life?"

"Well, we are not, it's just... We are a little scared," Shi Qingxuan explained.

"You see..."

To be continued...

What is Shen Qingqiu going to do?

A. Cook up hell with Xie Lian and he knows it. (Don't try this at home)

B. Go outside during the tornado warning to obtain food. (Don't try this at home)

C. Eat Xie Lian's half-eaten mantou. (Don't try this at home)

D. Eat the stuffed fox. (Also don't try this at home)

E. You guess

Thank you for reading!

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Word Count: 724

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