16- Parent

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"And remember that time when I thought I won the lottery?" Wei Wuxian babbles as the three boys climb up the stairs.

"Yeah, that was stupid of you," replied Hua Cheng.

"Hey! How was I supposed to know that I had to get three cherries to win?"

"No, I meant the fact that you think you have the chance to win the lottery was stupid."

"Hey!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed again.

"There's a bee in here," Luo Binghe piped, as a bee buzzed past his ear.

Then the bee landed on Wei Wuxian's hair.

Wei Wuxian froze.
He was rooted on the spot. His eyes traveled up, trying to catch a glimpse of the bee that's now upon his head. Without moving an inch.

Then the bee takes off after doing what Wei Wuxian could have sworn was a little tap dance.

But phew! He didn't get stung! The bee didn't want to lose its life either! Wei Wuxian stands proudly on the stairs.

Then he realized the two other boys had left him.



"So, what should we do today?" Wei Wuxian asked, standing in front of the apartment door beside Luo Binghe.

"I don't know," said Luo Binghe as he pressed the password numbers on the keypad.

"Wanna play monopoly?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"We can't," Hua Cheng said.

"Why not?"

"Because the author doesn't know how to play monopoly," Luo Binghe answers, opening the door and nudging Wei Wuxian in.

"Oh." Wei Wuxian walked inside, followed by Hua Cheng and then Luo Binghe after he closed the door.

The three boys walked into the kitchen.

Only there were two people already there.

One was a man in a black suit that Wei Wuxian had never seen in his life. (the man not the suit)

Oh, wait. No, he had seen this man before. Why, this is Luo Binghe's dad!

"Father?" Luo Binghe was puzzled. What was his father doing here?

"Finally decided to show up, son?" The man said coolly.

Luo Binghe looks uncomfortable, bringing a hand to scratch his neck.

Wei Wuxian suddenly found himself on the couch next to Hua Cheng, Luo Binghe still with his dad in the kitchen along with the other person, a long-haired, rigorous-looking woman.

"Leave him," Hua Cheng said as Wei Wuxian attempted to sneak into the kitchen to eavesdrop.


"Father, what are you doing here?"

"Ungrateful brat. I was the one who brought this place. And look at yourself, no manners nor greetings to your father. And you dare call me father."

"...Good afternoon, father."


This man is Tianlang Jun.

Tianlang Jun is a handsome man, cunning and sly, a prodigy in the business field. He is an impressive man who was also somewhat arrogant and-

"I got your last test score. Zhuzhi got a better score, why can't you be more like him?" -and he was an ignorant man when it comes to his own son.

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