10- One rainy day (Part 2)

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Shen Qingqiu walked over to the side and peered behind the clay vase.

A pair of bright startling eyes blinked up at him.

"There you are."


A small, all-white cat emerged from the shadow caused by the vase.

Shen Qingqiu crouched down.

"You really don't have a home huh? Yet the look you give me every time I come here to feed you," Shen Qingqiu told the cat.

The cat gave Shen Qingqiu a look. To which Shen Qingqiu interpreted as; Well, I never asked you to come.


"Right. But you still eat it."

The cat turned around and faced Shen Qingqiu with its butt.

you little..."

The cat suddenly turned back around, almost slapping Shen Qingqiu across the face with its tail.

Then the cat placed its paws on Shen Qingqiu's school bag.

Shen Qingqiu was speechless.
"Disrespecting me and asking me for food at the same time?"

The cat gave him a look. Yeah.

Shen Qingqiu wants to whack the cat in the face. The cat doesn't seem to worry about starving to death. Perhaps there was someone else who was feeding the cat? Maybe the restaurant's owner?

Yeah, you're just wasting your time here, I got plenty of idiots like you feeding me.


Now give me my food.

"........" Shen Qingqiu reached into his bag and took out a can of cat food and stripped the lid off the tin.


The cat gave Shen Qingqiu another look. Then the cat placed its paws on the bag again.

"What do you want?" Shen Qingqiu asked, exasperatedly.

The cat shoots the boy another look.

"..." Shen Qingqiu reached into his bag and took out a sandwich. A tea sandwich in plastic wrap.

The cat holds out its paws.

"Are you kidding me??? Do you know how much I spent on that premium cat food and all you want is this old, plain tea sandwich?!" Shen Qingqiu practically screamed at the cat.

The cat: No I don't know how much you spent, not that I care. Now gimme that sandwich.

"..." Shen Qingqiu tossed the sandwich at the cat. The cat took the sandwich in its paws.

Shen Qingqiu reached out to take the cat food. Only for the cat to smack his hand away.


The cat hissed at him and guarded both the old plain tea sandwich and the premium cat food.

"..." Shen Qingqiu is this close to losing it. What is he even doing here???


"Xiao Jiu?? Where are you?"

The next thing Shen Qingqiu find himself doing was:

Hiding behind that tall clay vase.

??? What is he doing??

The cat shoots the boy a quizzical look but decides to ignore him.

"Ah, there you are, Xiao Jiu."

Shen Qingqiu detected it as a male's voice. Also- why did he hide?! Now it would be extremely awkward if he just popped up like that stray cat!


Hmmm... Is this the other person that has been feeding this nasty attitude cat?

Shen Qingqiu took a peek from the vase.

To see the cat giving the sandwich to a boy.


The boy was completely empty-handed. He took the sandwich from the cat and sat against the wall.

"Thanks, Xiao Jiu," said the boy, unwrapping that old plain tea sandwich, and nibbling on it.


The boy tries to pat the cat on the head, yet the cat smacks his hand off and looks away haughtily.

What... What is this??

An arrogant stray cat feeding a homeless lad or something?!

And Shen Qingqiu's foot is asleep! Ugh! WHY?

Shen Qingqiu stood up.

"..." the piece of sandwich fell from Luo Binghe's mouth as he suddenly saw another boy in the alley.

Then the boy dropped down and grabbed their leg.


"Sorry," the boy gasped, "foot cramp."


Xiao Jiu: I'm about to watch two idiots make a fool of themselves.

To be continued...

What's going to happen next?

A. Luo Binghe falls in love at first sight.

B. Things become extremely awkward.

C. Xiao Jiu decided it is the perfect time to cough up a hairball.

D. Shen Qingqiu melts away in embarrassment.

E. Comment lol.

Question 2
What will you rather be:

A. Shen Qingqiu whose foot is asleep

B. Xiao Jiu the arrogant stray cat

C. Luo Binghe the homeless lad

D. The old plain tea sandwich

E. Premium cat food.

Thank you for reading!

Comments and votes will be appreciated!

Word Count: 772

Lol, you probably didn't think their first meeting would be like this.

But what can I say? I like to keep my readers guessing xD.

Part 3 will be out in a couple of days <3

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