1- Letters are so old fashioned

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"Alright, guys! What did y'all get on the test??"






"Ahaha, I got a 98 so I beat all of you," a teenage boy by the name of Wei Wuxian said proudly.

"But Hua-xiong just said 104, how is that even possible-?"

"So you guys have to treat me to lunch!" Wei Wuxian continued happily.

"...What about Hua-xiong??"

Wei Wuxian glanced over at the boy who kept asking the question.

He sighed dramatically and patted the boy on the back and said, "Wen Ning, ah, Wen Ning, Hua-xiong doesn't count, he always manages to get such high grades, even if it couldn't be possible. So don't worry about it."

Wen Ning let out an "oh" and looked back down at his own results.

Wei Wuxian went on chattering, hinting that he saw a new bakery opened a few blocks away and he would really really like to try their pastries.

A handsome boy next to Wei Wuxian, with lengthy black hair that goes down to his neck and covered one of his eyes, sat languidly, a hand on his cheek.

There was a small red coral bead tied to a tiny braid within his hair.

He smiled faintly and flicked the over-enthusiastic boy on the forehead with his finger.

"Don't get too excited, it was only a 98, do better next time."

Wei Wuxian's face fell dark. Turning his head away from the other boy, he muttered dully, "Hey... Hua-xiong, not everyone can be as smart as you..."

Then Wei Wuxian spun his head around to Hua Cheng and accused, "And why do you have to flick me so hard! It fucking hurts!"


"Sorry, my bad, here, how about this?" Hua Cheng asked, amused, as he flicked the boy on the forehead again.

"Yeah, that's a bit better," Wei Wuxian agreed.

"Wait, let me do it again, I bet I can do it even more gently."

Wei Wuxian finally caught on to Hua Cheng's game. He covered his forehead with his hands and complained, "Hua-xiong, you are so mean, no wonder you don't have many friends!"

Then he sticks his tongue out at him and turns around, with his arms crossed.

Wen Qing glanced over and shook her head. How immature, she mentally remarked.

"Guys! Guess what I just overheard in the teachers' lounge!" another exceeding good-looking boy hurried into the classroom.

"Luo-xiong! I was wondering where you were, what were you doing in the teachers' lounge?" Wei Wuxian waved him over, watching the boy make his way to their desk.

Hua Cheng also turned his head to look at the boy.

"Oh, Coach Nie wanted me to help him carry his paperwork." Luo Binghe explained, breathlessly. He runs a hand through his hair.

"For a gym teacher, he sure has a lot of test papers to grade," Wei Wuxian muttered.

Hua Cheng snorted.

"But what did you overhear?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"They are going to make us write letters. To students from Qingfeng." Luo Binghe said solemnly.


"Those snobs from that school?"



"Yeah, I think they said, 'pen pals'."

"Bruh, that's so old-fashioned."

"I know."

"Hmm, you think Jiang Laoshi will announce that after the lesson?"

"Probably, break time is almost over anyway."

"What? Dang it, I wanted to go to that bakery!"

"If you want bread you could have asked me."

"That's true, Luo-xiong, your baking is the best. But let's not give Hua-xiong any."

Hua Cheng reached out a hand and pinched Wei Wuxian on the arm.

Wei Wuxian: "Ouch! Hey!"

Hua Cheng: "Don't act too cheeky, I'm telling you."

Wei Wuxian: "You are so mean." he fakes a sniff.

Luo Binghe: "Pfft."

Then Jiang Laoshi enters the room.

Luo Binghe settled down in his seat next to Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian also sat down properly in his seat. Beside him, Hua Cheng turned his attention to the front of the class.

The class fell quiet.

Jiang Fengmian starts his lesson talk.

Wei Wuxian leaned over to Luo Binghe. He whispered, "Oh, btw, what did you get on the test?"

"...a 97?"



To be continued...

If you were a teacher/shizun and you can choose one student/disciple who would it be?
Optional: Tell me why!

A. Wei Wuxian

B. Lan Wangji

C. Xie Lian

D. Hua Cheng

E. Shen Qingqiu

F. Luo Binghe

G. Someone else from the novels

(I will choose Luo Binghe, for the reason that he can cook. Cuz I can't.)

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This is how they look like in this AU

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Word Count: 797

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