23- Let me tell you a story...

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Let me tell you a story about a far-away animal kingdom, where their dreams are about silvery butterflies.

In this animal kingdom, there was a school. Every young creature is required to attend this school.

In this school, goes three animals. They were, as anyone can see, all quite different from each other.

One is a puppy.

One is a fox.

And the last one is a bunny.

Despite their evident differences they were best pals to the very end.

Their names were:


Fox Cheng

And BunnyXian.

They were not just different in looks, they were also different in characters.

Bingpup likes to cook.

Fox Cheng likes to paint.

And BunnyXian likes to talk.

BunnyXian also likes to eat a lot, accidentally creating chaos and hanging out with his best animal pals.

In the beginning, BunnyXian was very scared of Fox Cheng and Bingpup.

Foxes eat bunnies and puppies are generally very terrifying to BunnyXian. Both Fox Cheng and Bingpup have sharp teeth that look like they could chop BunnyXian in half.

So how did BunnyXian set away their fears and become friends with Bingpup and Fox Cheng? How did Fox Cheng not eat BunnyXian? How did Bingpup not cook BunnyXian in a pot of stew?

Well, let me tell you a story. About the first day of school for little BunnyXian.

At first, little BunnyXian was quite excited to go to school. He thought of all the friends he could make! He plans to share his carrots with his animal classmates during lunchtime and sleep with them under the burrow during naptime.

Yes, BunnyXian was a little nervous. School can be tough, his big sister, BunnyLiLi, had said to him. But it's okay! BunnyXian's best friend and brother, BunnyCheng, will be there with him!

Until the bad news came...

BunnyCheng was in a different class! BunnyXian's face turned into stone and cracked.

Oh no! How would BunnyXian cope???

BunnyXian would be all alone in a strange new world... All alone...

BunnyLiLi held BunnyXian's paws and said softly, "It's okay, A-xian! You will still see me and A-cheng during recess time and after school! Don't be scared. You will make new friends! Here, I'll make extra carrot and lotus soup for you and you could share them with your classmates."

And so, on the first day of school, little BunnyXian stepped into MengDie elementary.

With only his little carrot-shaped backpack and a huge thermos full of carrot and lotus soup, little BunnyXian ventures into the place unknown.

It was the scariest place BunnyXian had ever known. Everyone was huge and scary looking. Little BunnyXian suddenly feels very small and very afraid.

When BunnyXian found his classroom, they walked inside, and oh no! One of his classmates is a fox!

BunnyXian's aunt and uncle had told him to stay away from foxes. They were nothing but sly, cunning mammals who would trick you into trusting them before eating you. They would do anything to gain your trust even if it meant putting on your granny's clothes.

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