12- Lunch

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Luo Binghe hurried up the threshold and into the eatery. He always liked this bistro.

The small restaurant was historically themed and while it might look out of place from the outside among the modern buildings, on the inside, the fengshui was comforting and serene.

And the best part about this place? He only needs one more dumpling stamp for a free family meal with drinks!!!

A happy Luo Binghe enters the restaurant.

"Luo-xiong, over here!!!" Wei Wuxian shouted, waving.

Luo Binghe made his way to his friends, walking past a water fountain screen, the water flowing down from the top of the glass into a stone pool bubbling over some small rocks.

"Luo-xiong, you should remember to bring an umbrella," said Wei Wuxian, seeing the slightly soaked Luo Binghe.

"Why are you telling someone to remember something?" Hua Cheng asked.

"Hm, fair point," Wei Wuxian agreed, "maybe, Hua-xiong, you can be our reminder alarm from now on."

Hua Cheng, "..." then he reached over and pinched the other boy on the arm.

Wei Wuxian yelped, almost falling out of his chair. Then the boy frowned and kicked the leg of Hua Cheng's chair.

Satisfied, he turned back to Luo Binghe with a happy face, "Luo-xiong, sit down, sit down! We haven't ordered yet, you can order for us! I want something ✨spicy✨!"

Hua Cheng can practically see the sparkles on the word 'spicy'.

"Sure," Luo Binghe smiled, waving over a waitress. The waitress begins taking his order.

Dun dun dun dun "Hey, my chair's wobbly!" dundundundundundun

"Would you like anything else?"


"No, that's all, Miss."


"Oh, can we also get a new chair?" said Hua Cheng, just as the waitress was about to leave.

"A new chair-?" the waitress asked, confused.

"Yeah, a new chair. You know, like one of those high chairs for 6 months olds."

"Hey!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed indignantly.

The waitress: "???"

Luo Binghe, "Sorry miss, my friend was joking, we don't need anything else."

"Ah, okay, I'll bring your food out shortly," the young woman smiled, before heading to the eatery's kitchen.

Wei Wuxian kicked the leg of Hua Cheng's chair once more before turning to look at Luo Binghe.

"Luo-xiong, where have you been after school every day? You just disappeared after the bell rings."

"I went to feed a stray cat near the postal office after school."


"Oh! Wait what?" Wei Wuxian spun his head around, "Hua-xiong did you know?"


"How come you didn't tell me???" Wei Wuxian asked, putting his hands over his heart.

"Because you never asked." Luo Binghe and Hua Cheng simultaneously said.

"I didn't know I was supposed to ask! But, anyway, moving on, is it a cute cat? Or a kitten? Is it fluffy? Is it fat?" Wei Wuxian asked. "I want a cat!"

"Well, maybe I can bring you there tomorrow for you to see." Luo Binghe mused, "maybe that person would also be there."

"What person?" Wei Wuxian piped.

"Oh, it's this guy I encountered this afternoon when I went to feed Xiao Jiu."

"Xiao Jiu? That's the cat's name? Oh, what does the guy look like? Maybe I know him!"

Hua Cheng: "Why would you know them."

Wei Wuxian: "I might! It's a small world after all!"

Luo Binghe laughed, "Maybe, but I doubt you know him."

"You wouldn't know that until you tell me first! I know a lot of people!" Wei Wuxian pressed.

"Well," Luo Binghe scratched his cheek, "I couldn't really see much, it was raining and sort of dark... But he had long straight black hair, sharp almond-shaped eyes, I couldn't tell what his eye color was...it was too dark, he's really pretty though..."

Luo Binghe continues to describe Shen Yuan to a very attentive Wei Wuxian.

When Luo Binghe first saw this person, Shen Yuan, in an alleyway on a rainy day, Luo Binghe thought the boy looked... Actually, he didn't get a clear look the first time around.

But when he did got a clear look, if Luo Binghe was to use one word to describe the boy in front of him, it would be pretty.

The person was very pretty. No, not like an angel's prettiness, Luo Binghe thinks angels would look softer. But he was pretty. Very pretty.

Luo Binghe finished his description, "and that's what he looked like."

Wei Wuxian and Hua Cheng: "..."

"Sorry, Luo-xiong, I have a question." Wei Wuxian said seriously.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Are you describing some random guy you met in an alley or your girlfriend???" Wei Wuxian asked. "Cause I can't tell the diff- mfft!"

Hua Cheng stuffed a piece of bread into Wei Wuxian's mouth.

Luo Binghe blinked. "No, I'm not exaggerating. He was just very handsome."

"More handsome than Hua-xiong?" Wei Wuxian asked.


"You know, this person you speak of seems suspicious. I must investigate!"

"...Wei Ying, put the bubble pipe and detective hat away."

To be continued...

What's your favorite Chinese food?

Question two-
If you have lunch with LBH, WWX, and HC what would you do?

A. I'll be so nervous, I can't squeak out a word.

B. I'll have a food eating contest with Wei Wuxian.

C. I want Luo Binghe to cook us lunch!

D. Have Hua Cheng draw me while I'm eating cuz why not.

E. Have SQQ, XL, and LWJ over instead and I can hide under the table eavesdropping on their convo.

Thank you for reading!

Comments and votes will be appreciated!

Word Count: 927

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