31- Preparing

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"Wei Wuxian, where's my phone charger- aren't you supposed to be packing?" Jiang Wanyin walked through the door to see Wei Wuxian lying on his stomach on the bed with his feet kicking in the air, playing on his phone.

Wei Wuxian turned his head to glance at Jiang Wanyin. "I'm already finished. A-Jie did it for me. She was afraid I was going to forget to pack some important necessities so she went and did it for me."

Jiang Wanyin frowned. "Stop letting A-Jie do stuff for you! Why, I bet even when you are twenty-three you will still need A-Jie to help you brush your teeth."

"Well, I would never!" Wei Wuxian huffed, offended. "Say, aren't you supposed to be packing?? Don't tell me A-Jie also did it for you."

Jiang Wanyin rolled his eyes as he sat on Wei Wuxian's bed. "No. The school my class is visiting is closed enough that I don't need to stay there."


"Hey, what's your pen friend's name? I realized I never ask," Wei Wuxian then questioned.

Jiang Wanyin picked up a watch that was on the nightstand next to the bed and examined it, saying, "A guy named Chu Wanning. He's cool."

Then he frowned. "Hey, this watch doesn't work."

"Oh," Wei Wuxian lay his head on the bed. "Auntie came into my bedroom a while ago and gave it to me. Of course, it'll be broken."

"..." Jiang Wanyin looked down at Wei Wuxian.

"Don't give me that look, Jiang Cheng! It's okay, I know auntie doesn't like me much. Plus, it's not like auntie hits me or anything. The most she gives are those distasteful glances." Wei Wuxian then heaved a dramatic sigh. "Such a shame really. If only she takes the time to see how amazing I am."

Jiang Wanyin snorted. "Amazing, my ass. More like annoying." Then he lowered his eyes. "Still... Mom shouldn't give you broken gifts," he said quietly, fidgeting with the watch.

"Awe, Jiang Cheng, why are you getting upset? Anyway, let's talk about something else. Oh! How's Lan Xichen?" Wei Wuxian asked with a grin as he propped himself up with his elbows.

Jiang Wanyin narrowed his eyes. Placing the watch back on the nightstand, he crossed his arms. "Why are you asking me?"

Wei Wuxian said, "Nothing! You just go to that coffee shop often. Say, did you give back his photo or whatever he asked to get back?"

"Yeah, obviously, I did. Wait- how did you know about that?" Jiang Wanyin stared down at Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian blinked innocently.

Jiang Wanyin closed his eyes, trying to keep himself from suffocating Wei Wuxian with a pillow.

He thought back about the photo.

It was pictures of Lan Xichen with his parents and his brother when they were little on a photo booth strip. Jiang Wanyin wonders why someone would carry photos of such in their jacket but felt like it could be a sensitive topic and therefore never asked.

"Oh, Jiang Cheng, have I shown you the cat video me and Nie-xiong made last week with some other friends?" Wei Wuxian asked, bringing Jiang Wanyin back to focus.

"Um, no," Jiang Wanyin said, a bit hesitant. Should he be worried?

"I didn't? Well, look, look, this cat is weird. Kinda reminds me of you," Wei Wuxian giggled as he showed Jiang Wanyin his phone. "Oh and here's your charger." Wei Wuxian tossed a phone charger into Jiang Wanyin's lap.

Jiang Wanyin blinked, and asked, "Why do you have it? Where's your own?"

"I lost it," Wei Wuxian said simply.

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