Special: The letters

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August 8, 20XX

Burning down houses is illegal.

-Lan Wangji

August 8, 20XX

Wei Wuxian,

I am Lan Wangji.

I'll be your penpal from Qingfeng for this project. This program states that we must send at least one letter once a week and no more than three letters should be sent in a week. During this project, the objective is for the students from the two schools to be familiar with one another before the upcoming exchange program next month.

Regarding your questions, I do like ice cream. However, there is no need to eat during class. Having good grades should be an obligation.

My birth name is Lan Zhan.

-Sincerely, Lan Wangji


August 10, 20XX

Hey Lan Zhan,

I don't know what you are like in real life yet, but your writing is kinda stiff, you know?

Why did you tell me the whole purpose of this pen pals program? You think I don't know? Actually, don't answer that.

Anyway, since this whole idea was for the students to be "familiar with one another" let's talk about ourselves! Here, I'll start for you.

I'm Wei Ying, and I'm going to call you Lan Zhan. So, you can call me Wei Ying. Now, there is so much about me that I can't fit it into one letter. Good thing we can write multiple letters ey?

Let's start with the basics. I'm Wei Ying, and I'll turn 16 this October! I live with my aunt and uncle and my two cousins. We are really close, we are practically siblings!

I also have these two best friends. They are kinda weird sometimes. Are your friends weird? I dunno, but they are still my best friends.

So do you have Weibo? I mean, surely you do right? I mean who doesn't have Weibo? You should follow me! What's your Weibo account?

-Wei Ying.


August 1, 20XX

Hello, Shen Qingqiu.

Hello! My name is Luo Binghe. I'll be your pen pal for this school project. :) I hope we will have a lot to talk about and become friends in the future.

I don't know anyone from Qingfeng yet, so you will be my first friend from the school! Am I also your first? My class will be coming next month and hopefully, we can hang out! I think that'll be fun!

-your pen-friend, Luo Binghe

P.S- What's your favorite food? I have a hobby of baking, maybe I can make something for you and your classmates when my class comes to visit! What is your hobby?


August 08, 20XX

Hello, Luo Binghe,

It is nice to meet you. As you know, I go by Shen Qingqiu. I am sure we are going to be friends as you are already calling yourself my friend even before my response letter.

I don't have a favorite food, it varies depending on my mood. Anything that is tasty is good for me. And I like to read. Books.

-From, Shen Qingqiu

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