20- Qingfeng Library

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"Excuse me, may I get a library pass?"

Xie Lian looked up. A petite girl with loose dark hair was facing him on the other side of the front desk.

Xie Lian smiled warmly. "Of course. A pass for lunch period right? Do you have A lunch or B lunch?"

"B lunch."

Xie Lian pulled out the second drawer of the desk and took out a plastic slip. He handed it to the girl. "Here you go. Make sure to return it to the front desk after lunch."

"Okay! Thank you!"

Before walking out the door, the girl called out, "And also, you are very handsome, Gege!"

The girl left, giggling. The bells jingle as the door closes.

Xie Lian didn't think much about it. He was here today, as a library assistant, as a favor for Ling Wen. And to keep an eye on two little problems.

The library telephone rang.

"Hello, Qingfeng Library, how can I help you?" Xie Lian answered the call.

"XIE LIANNNN! It's me! Qingxuan! I have some great news!"

Xie Lian almost pulled the phone away from his ear, Shi Qingxuan was practically screaming at the other end.

"Ah, calm down, Qingxuan, I can hear you. Now that's great! What is it?"

"Okay, okay, I'm calming down. Phew! Sorry, I'm just so excited right now! Oh, wait! Let me put Shen-xiong on the phone too! Then I can tell you both at the same time!!"

There was a pause at the other end. Then-

Shen Qingqiu: "Hello?"

Shi Qingxuan: "Hii, bro!"

Shen Qingqiu: "Qingxuan? What is it?"

Xie Lian was about to pipe up to let Shen Qingqiu know he was there too when-

On Shen Qingqiu's line: "QI-RONG ATE MY CANDYYYYYY!!!"

This time Xie Lian really pulled the phone away from his ear. He cautiously brought the phone back.

"Are you okay over there, Shen-xiong?"

Shi Qingxuan: "Are you volunteering at that daycare center right now, bro?"

Shen Qingqiu: "Uh- yeah, I'm telling you, these kids- DON'T TOUCH THAT BAMBOO PLANT, MENG YAO! Zhuzhi, stop him!"

Shen Qingqiu: "Listen, guys, I'll call you right back, let me put these kids down for a nap first."

Then Shen Qingqiu hung up. Xie Lian and Shi Qingxuan stayed on the line, awkwardly waiting for Shen Qingqiu to call back.

Shen Qingqiu called back.

Shen Qingqiu: "Hey, I'm back. Xie Lian, that little cuz of yours ate some candy from this other kid and he was bouncing off the walls. I swear I'm never coming back here after I finish all my required volunteering hours."

"..." Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He couldn't deny that his little cousin was probably Satan's baby son.

Shi Qingxuan: "And this is why you should have volunteered to help the elderly in retirement homes rather than the babies! Lol!"

Xie Lian can almost sense Shen Qingqiu rolling his eyes on the other end.

Shi Qingxuan: "But anyway! Here's the great news I wanted to tell you, guys: I got the lead part for our school play!!!!"

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