6- Letter be told (finally)

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"'To whoever my pen pal is, hello! I'm Wei Wuxian!

Before I say anything else, I have to tell you this one thing.

And that is...

You are one lucky human being!

Honestly, lemme tell you that being my pen pal- actually, let's just call each other friends okay? Pen pals sound so I don't know- so- weird.'" Xie Lian stopped at this.

"Uh, I don't think I can read this out loud anymore."

"Oh, I'll do it!" Shi Qingxuan offered excitedly. "Okay ahem, continuation," the boy cleared his throat.

"'Anyway, being my friend gives you so many advantages! If you ever come to my school, I can show you the best seats in the cafeteria... What bathrooms you should avoid... And what's the best way to sneak junk food into class!

Oh, and by the way, I don't really like to write letters so how about I give you my phone number? Oh wait, but you are a student from Qingfeng...

I heard Qingfeng students never break the rules, right? They all are well dressed and well mannered and well everything, right??

Well then you can continue writing letters to me and I'll just text you back the answer. How about that? Hey, that will be such a good idea!

To be honest, I have no idea what to write in this letter.

But now I do have to ask you a question!

Okay so, what would you save if your house suddenly burned down into ashes and consumed by a mass of raging fire?

And you could only save two things! Okay, bye, I'm done. Cya!

-Wei Wuxian

P.S Do you like ice cream?

P.P.S- Do you get good grades?

P.P.P.S- Have a good day!

P.P.P.P.S- look at how many P.S's I have written lol.'"

Shi Qingxuan finished reading the letter, scratching his head.

"That is one unique pen pal you got there," the boy told his classmate, handing the letter back.

Lan Wangji, "...mn."

"Yeah, for real, what kind of question is that?" Shen Qingqiu said in a quizzical tone, eyeing the letter as if it would start sprouting more gibberish.

"I don't know, but it sure is an interesting question! Say, what would you save if your house burned down? I would probably save my clothes, but then again why would my house burn? Haha," Shi Qingxuan chats.

"Oh, and I will also save my pet panda," the boy then added.

"Wait, you have a pet panda??"

"Well..." Shi Qingxuan glanced sideways at Shen Qingqiu. Then with a gleam in his eyes, he said, "Not yet!"


Shen Qingqiu turned away. Still, Shi Qingxuan grabbed the boy on the shoulders and asked gaily, "How about you Shen-xiong? What would you save if your house burned down??"

"We are literally in dorms," Shen Qingqiu responded.

"Oh yeah," Shi Qingxuan dropped his hands from Shen Qingqiu's shoulders. But then he sprang back up and turn to Xie Lian, "Xie Lian, why don't you open your letter??"

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