39- Another cloudy day

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Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji headed back to Qingfeng.

Outside the dormitory,

There, they had to separate.

"Ha, guess I'm not going to be in your dorm for my stay. Qingfeng is way bigger than I thought and generous too! Can't believe they gave us our own dorm rooms!"

Lan Wangji: "... Mn."

Better not tell Wei Ying that the dorms that their class was staying in were the abandoned wing that was probably haunted by an unrest ghost that had died a horrible death in the very halls decades ago. (according to Shi Qingxuan.)

Lan Wangji: "......"

Lan Wangji does not believe in such rumors.

Wei Wuxian turned around and said,

"Well then, good night, Lan Zhan!"


Wei Wuxian turned back around. "Hmm?"

"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji said. "Don't forget about the student orientation tomorrow morning."

Wei Wuxian blinked. "Oh- of course!" Wei Wuxian grinned. He totally did not forget.

"Don't oversleep," Lan Wangji added.

"Heyyy, I don't always oversleep, Lan Zhan! Don't do me dirty like that!"

Lan Wangji: "Okay."

Wei Wuxian grinned again. "Good! See you tomorrow morning then!"

"Good night, Wei Ying."

"Mn, good night!"

Wei Wuxian walked away, humming, "If we ever meet again, are we ever meant to be?"

Lan Wangji smiled.



。。。 Guys, he smiled. 😍


Wei Wuxian flung the door open. "GUESS WHO'S HERE?!"

Luo Binghe looked up. "Oh, hey, Wei Ying."

"Hi." Wei Wuxian walked over and sat on the bed. "Where's Hua-xiong?"

Luo Binghe was unpacking his suitcase. "He's in the washroom. Speaking of which, you should go take a shower after him. I'll cook dinner."

"Oh, okay." Wei Wuxian glanced around. There were two bunks' beds. Between them was a window and below it was a wooden desk and chair. Luo Binghe was putting his clothes into the wooden wardrobe.

"So, how was your day, Luo-xiong?" Wei Wuxian asked, already forgetting this evening's phone call to Luo Binghe.

"Oh, it was amazing," Luo Binghe said dreamily.

Wei Wuxian: "..."

Luo Binghe coughed. "I mean it was great."

Wei Wuxian: "...!! Oh yeah! I forgot! You had a date today, right?"

Luo Binghe sighed. "It wasn't a date," he said, stuffing the suitcase at the bottom of the wardrobe.

"Ohh, then do Luo-xiong have a crush?" Wei Wuxian teased.

Luo Binghe spun his head around. "Yes," he cried.

Wei Wuxian: "..."

Wei Wuxian: "O-oh, that's great, Luo-xiong! Yeah, that's great!" Wei Wuxian gave Luo Binghe the thumbs up from where he sat on the bed.

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