17- Xie Lian's petsitting dairy (Part 1)

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The door was left open.

Xie Lian carefully poke his head through the gap and called out, "Ayi? Erm, it's Xie Lian, I'll come in now!"

The boy pushed open the door and stepped inside. A dog starts barking. Then a black Labrador came into sight and tackled Xie Lian to the floor.

"Woah-! Slow down, boy!" Xie Lian laughed as the lab buried his head in Xie Lian's chest, panting.

"Xie Lian dear? Is that you?" a lady walked out from the kitchen, an American Eskimo on her heels.

"Hello, Ayi," Xie Lian greeted as the black lab decided the boy's lap would be great as a pillow.

"Oh, well, since you are here already, here's Ruoye and E-ming. I'll have to go for an errand. Just take them out for a walk and I should be back in an hour or two."

E-ming was the black Labrador. The dog was quite big and a little ferocious-looking due to the scar on his left eye. Although by now Xie Lian knows the dog is actually just a big softie.

E-ming was quite energetic, particularly when it comes to Xie Lian. The dog seems to especially like Xie Lian.

Ruoye was a bit calmer and reserved. She was an American Eskimo and Xie Lian always admired her silky white fur. She is quite loyal and intelligent.

(Pictures below :D)

(Pictures below :D)

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E-ming. Pretend there's a scar on his left eye

 Pretend there's a scar on his left eye

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I spent an hour on the internet searching for dogs and now my parents thought I wanted a dog.
Obviously, they aren't going to get me one.

And so, Xie Lian was left with the two dogs.

"Alright guys, let's go for a walk, shall we?" Xie Lian asked.


And so they went. They will have a lovely time walking around the square outside of the apartment.

Or at least that was the plan.

So why, why, are Ruoye and E-ming missing from the picture?!?

Xie Lian honestly has no idea how two huge dogs went missing under his watch. He turned around for a second because some lady offered him free samples. Then when Xie Lian turned around, tada! Ruoye and E-ming were gone.

Was this his bad luck or bad skill?

Ugh! There's no time to ponder, he had to find the dogs before the owner comes back.

"Ruoye! E-ming-!" Xie Lian called out, running down the street, hoping at least one of the dogs will respond to his shout.

Xie Lian did not see the can of paint.

When the boy tripped over the can, it was knocked over and the red paint spilled out, staining a streak of concrete red.

Xie Lian tumbled onto the ground. He blinked.

"Are you alright?" a low voice asked.

Xie Lian looked up and saw a boy extending his hand toward him. He took the hand and stood up, glancing at the disastrous red paint splattered all over an area of the street.


"I'm sorry, I'll pay you back."

The other boy surveyed the paint-stained concrete, in silence.

Assuming the boy was upset, Xie Lian hurried to say, "Really, I'll pay you back! I, oh... I don't have any cash on me... Do you have WeChat? I can pay you back right now via WeChat!"

The boy turned around. With a small smile on his face, he said, "Then your QR code, Gege."

"..." Xie Lian stared dumbly at the boy as he took out his phone.

Xie Lian pulled up his account code on his phone. The boy held his phone above Xie Lian's to scan the code.

Now accepting the friend request, he can pay- oh...
There's no money.

Xie Lian stared at his phone.

Sensing something was wrong, the boy tilted his head to one side, asking, "Gege?"

"Oh!" Xie Lian's head snapped up. "I'm really sorry, I don't have any money on me, maybe I can send you the money in a few days..." Xie Lian paused, feeling extremely embarrassed.

The boy seemed amused. "Gege, you looked very alarmed a while ago when you tripped over my paint. Do you need some help?"

"Ah... I'm looking for a black and white dog..."

The boy raised a brow. "Gege, are you looking for a black and a white dog or a black and white dog?"

Xie Lian had a feeling this boy was teasing him. He sighed, "It's a black and a white dog. They are missing, and I'm going to be in trouble if I don't find them soon, so if you will excuse me, I have to go."

"Wait, Gege. You haven't paid me my can of paint back."


To be continued...

What happens next?

A. Hua Cheng continues to tease Xie Lian until Xie Lian dies of embarrassment.

B. Hua Cheng helps Xie Lian find E-ming and Ruoye. (Bad or good doggies?)

C. Hua Cheng asked Xie Lian to pay him by going on a date with him.

D. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian clean the red-stained concrete and E-ming and Ruoye are lost forever.

E. How am I supposed to know???? Next Chapter! Next Chapter!!!!!!!

Now, thank you for reading!

Comments and votes will be (highly) appreciated! As usual!

Word Count: 905

(I split this chapter into two.)

Have a great day, y'all!

(A/N: Ayi means Auntie)

Hua Cheng had now obtained Xie Lian's WeChat.

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