19- Wei Ying's supporting cast

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"Wow, Wei Wuxian. This must be a new record." Hei Yinghua glanced at the old clock bound on the wall of the taekwondo studio center, "You are late by twenty-two minutes and thirty-three seconds."

The girl raised a brow at the younger boy. The boy had his arms behind his back looking as if he was hiding something.

"Wei Ying. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Umm... That I will never ever accidentally break my wrist again so that I won't have to be driven to the local hospital to get a cast for my hand and therefore be late to my taekwondo lesson by twenty-two minutes and thirty-three seconds-?" Wei Wuxian blinked innocently.

Hei Yinghua stared at the boy. "You what now?" she asked incredulously.

"I broke my wrist, Jie." Wei Wuxian moves his arm to reveal a hand encased in a cast, "See? Well, it's not actually broken, I think Mu Yisheng said I sprained it or something, but anyway, I have to keep this cast on for a week or so," said Wei Wuxian as he knocked on the cast with his free hand.

"...Wei Ying, you never failed to amaze me."

"Wow, really? Thanks!"

"How did it happen?"

"I was trying to get an apple from a tree in my backyard and Jiang Cheng came out of nowhere and shouted, "Wei Wuxian! What are you doing??" As if he couldn't see that I was trying to get an apple from a tree and then I lost my balance and boom! I die and that's all." Wei Wuxian finished all this in a single breath.

"Okay, cool. Go change into your uniform."

Wei Wuxian blinked. "Um, Yinghua-jie, but I have a broken wrist here! I can't do taekwondo with a broken wrist!" Wei Wuxian waved his arm around as if afraid the older girl couldn't see it.

"I know. But that doesn't mean you can't listen, can you? Let's go, I want to show you how to do a 1080-degree kick."

"But, Yinghua-jieeeee, that's boring!"

"Stop whining, it isn't boring when you see it! And it's Master Hei or Hei Laoshi to you right now."


"Hey, guys!" Wei Wuxian ran down the school stairs toward two boys sitting on a picnic table, waving an arm and holding a basket of food in the other.

When the boy reached his friends, he plopped down on the bench. "I'm still mad at you guys." The boy announced.

"Can't believe you guys ran over to the hospital only to leave after a minute," Wei Wuxian complained, "Then you guys send me a photo of you two having lunch at the new nearby bakery. Without me!"

"Your own fault. Who told you to send us a text saying you're dying and you need us asap because none of your family members is with you?"

"I wasn't completely sure that I wasn't gonna die! Plus look, it's my right wrist that's injured! I can hardly do anything!"

"Hm, then what about the family member part?" asked Luo Binghe. "Both Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli were with you. Jiang Yanli even brought you soup."

"Please, even if me falling off a tree didn't kill me, Jiang Cheng looks like he was going to murder me and then bury me in the backyard. I needed you both to protect me," explained Wei Wuxian patiently.

Then the boy decided to change the subject. "Anyway gang, look at what a girl gave me! I knew my cast would at least win some sympathy from some people!"

Wei Wuxian heaved the basket of food onto the table.

"Now, maybe if you guys ask me nicely, I might share this food with you! Ooh, look! Loquats!"

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