15- Follow me on Weibo!

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"Hey, Hua-xiong, what do you think about you strolling into Wen Chao's classroom, and slapping him across the face while wearing a pair of fancy sunglasses? And Luo-xiong can stand behind you like one of those silent bodyguards. And then you could scream at Wen Chao's face: 'THE NERVE YOU HAVE TO INSULT MY DEAREST BRO, WEI YING!' how about that, Hua-xiong?" Wei Wuxian casually asked, drawing circles on his desk with his fingers.

Hua Cheng: "..."

Luo Binghe: "..."

Hua Cheng does not look particularly hot on the idea.

"What did that Wen Chao do this time?" Luo Binghe asked.

"Oh, nothing! Only he told the teacher that I was eating during class and I got detention for it. And that ruined my whole plan for the day! Oh boy heheheh, he'll have it coming for him one day! Oh, and also, he pushed Jiang Cheng off the swings the other day," Wei Wuxian added after a second thought.

"So! Hua-xiong, how about it?" Wei Wuxian plopped down on his knees in front of Hua Cheng's desk, resting his chin on his arms, blinking up expectantly at him.

"Dream on," said Hua Cheng, as he gave Wei Wuxian a flick in the forehead. The boy yelped and falls back.

"Hua-xiong! You are supposed to be my friend! You gotta do what friends do!"




"I'm unfriending you on Weibo," Hua Cheng took out his phone.

"Wait nonono, You and Luo-xiong are one of my only followers-!" Wei Wuxian hopped up and attempted to stop Hua Cheng.

"Leave me out of your crazy imagination then," Hua Cheng said back.

Wei Wuxian pouted and then stuck his tongue out at him before going to sit in his seat behind Luo Binghe just as Jiang Fengmian entered the class.

It was a boring lesson today, the class was discussing about a famous poem created during the ancient times in China called It is Night.

It was about this man longing for his lover under the bright moonlight with a leaf in his hand. Which totally doesn't make sense to Wei Wuxian.

Why can't he just go meet his lover if he's that desperate? And what's the thing with the leaf in his hand?? Why couldn't it be wine instead???

Anyway, after some more yada yada from Jiang Laoshi, the teacher finally switched to something exciting. Meaning, the response letter from Qingfeng!

Oh boy, Wei Wuxian was excited. He wonders how the other person had responded to his extremely silly letter.

But also- why does Hua-xiong look more impatient than him? The other boy was drumming his fingers on his desk restlessly.

It seems like an eternity as Jiang Fengmian s l o w l y pass out the letters. When Jiang Fengmian came to Wei Wuxian's desk, he s l o w l y placed the letter on Wei Wuxian's desk.


"Ahem," Wei Wuxian cleared his throat and read the contents out loud, "Burning down houses is illegal- wait what?"

Wei Wuxian spun his head around, Luo-xiong was already writing his second letter, and Hua-xiong was immersed in his letter.

Wei Wuxian stared back at his letter.

"..." The contents of the letter read:

Burning down houses is illegal.

-Lan Wangji

And that's it. Wei Wuxian is depressed. His drooping atmosphere even made Hua Cheng look up from his letter. For about a second.

Oh, but what's that?? It seems like there's something else on the paper! On the other side! It says:

My birth name is Lan Zhan.


Oh. Oh! OH!

Wei Wuxian almost laughed out loud. The kind of laugh where you throw your head back with your nose pointing at the ceiling kind of laugh.

What the heck is this guy's deal?!

Well of course he knows it's illegal to burn down houses! He only asked what would they save IF their house suddenly burned down into ashes and was consumed by a mass of raging fire! Not your house will be burned down into ashes and consumed by a mass of raging fire! It was an 'if' question!


Well... at least he did answer all his questions... Wei Wuxian found another piece of paper in the envelope with all the answers from his p.s, p.p.s notes.

What a funny dude.

Welp! Time to write his letter!

Dear Lan Zhan,

I know that it's illegal to burn down houses! I was just asking! It was an if question! |:c You don't have to take everything seriously!

But anyway...

(No need to tell you the whole letter, it's between these two boys. 😝)

"Done!" Wei Wuxian announced.

No one looked up.

Hmmm... Oh! He forgot to add one more thing!

Wei Wuxian adds a note.

P.S- Lan Zhan! You have Weibo, right? Here's my account name! It's @ demonicfluteboychenqing. Go follow me! I'll follow you back! Now, why this is my account name you asked? It's because I play the flute, I'm really good at it! You can hear me play one day! :D do you play an instrument?

Now Wei Wuxian is done. Satisfied, he puts the letter into the envelope and seals it.

"Oh, Wei Ying, you are still coming over after school?" Luo Binghe turned around and asked.

"Yeah!" Wei Wuxian grinned.

"Okay," Luo Binghe smiled.

To be continued...

If you were Wei Wuxian, how would you take your revenge on Wen Chao for snitching on you for eating in class? (and pushing one of your best buds off the swings)

A. I'll push him off the swings.

B. I'll pour hot sauce into his juice.

C. I'll put mustard in his brownies. And shoes.

D. Your comment

E. All of the above in that order.

Mini Theatre:

Modern Wei Wuxian: Bruh, this poem It is Night is so boring. If you are going to yearn for your lover, why not go to your lover? Why must you write about yearning for your lover???



Modern Luo Binghe: What?

Thank you for reading!

Comments and votes will be (highly) appreciated!

Word Count: 1032

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