26- Mission S.A.P (Part 2)

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Previously on Mission S.A.P:

Wei Wuxian and Jiang Wanyin looked at each other. A split-second decision was made.

And no, it was not jumping off the balcony onto the first floor which would have resulted in a broken leg or their funeral. And if the latter happens they can only blame themselves for being two very rash hotheads.

Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wuxian both flee into the coffee shop.

They waited for Jiang Yanli and the peacow to enter.

Chapter 26- Mission S.A.P (Part 2)

"Uh, so I would like to order a cup of coffee," the boy muttered, his face shadowed by the menu he held in front of his face.

"Sir, what kind of coffee would you like?" the waiter asked patiently.

"Uh, extra sugar-?"

"Wei Wuxian, don't tell me you never ordered from a coffee shop before," muttered the boy sitting across from Wei Wuxian, also face hidden behind a menu.

Wei Wuxian slammed the menu down. "Hey, don't blame me! Blame the author! She never even stepped foot inside a Starbucks before!"

Jiang Wanyin stared at the boy in disbelief.

"Anyway, I don't really drink coffee. Do you guys have coke here?" Wei Wuxian asked, turning his head towards the server.

Then Wei Wuxian's eyes widened in surprise as he saw the person's face.

It was a handsome boy, around their ages, maybe a little older, with dark black hair and gentle eyes.

"You!" he exclaimed.

Jiang Cheng glanced over. Surprise also flickered in his eyes.

He said, "You!" At the same time, the server also said, "Me-?" Then the server's eyes' also widened in recognition.

The two boys stared at each other, their surprised expressions mirroring each other.

Wei Wuxian looked back and forth. He said, "oh wait. Not you."

At first glance, Wei Wuxian thought that the boy taking their order was the same person he jumped on the other day at the mall. But after a second look and seeing the eye color was slightly darker along with seeing the boy's reaction to Jiang Wanyin, this must be the person who spilled coffee on Jiang Wanyin that day in this very shop.

"Jiang Cheng, you didn't tell me that the person who spilled coffee on you was the server! No wonder they give you their jacket, it's called customer service! And here I keep thinking, they must be an absolute angel for giving you their jacket."

"Actually," the boy spoke up, "I wasn't working that day."

"Oh, then you are an absolute angel," Wei Wuxian said without missing a beat. "What's your name, good sir?"

The boy smiled. "I'm Lan Huan. Lan Xichen."

"Nice! I'm Wei Ying! Wei Wuxian. And that's Jiang Cheng."

"Jiang Wanyin," the irritable boy muttered.

"Yeah, yeah. Say, I feel like we forgot something."

"Oh, was it your order? Then would you like to order?" Lan Xichen asked, smiling as he held up his notepad.

"Noo, not that. Oh, shoot! We are supposed to be here to watch A-Jie! Lan Xichen, my friend, can you see if you can see what my A-Jie and that peacock are doing right now?"

Lan Xichen looked confused but nevertheless, he looked around the coffee shop.

The coffee shop has restaurant booth seatings, two-person sofa-like seats. It was an advantage because it meant Wei Wuxian and Jiang Wanyin would be hidden from Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan's sight. It was also a disadvantage because it means they couldn't see them either.

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