7- One windy day

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Wei Wuxian sat by his desk, next to the closed window.

He shifts comfortably in his seat. Ah, he can get used to this new seating arrangement.

He reached up and slid the window down just a little bit, and a cool fresh breeze of wind passed into the stuffy classroom.

Yep, he can really get used to this seating arrangement.

Wei Wuxian looked out the window, the wind was really picking up. The treetops from where he saw on the third floor were all swaying strongly, influenced by the heavy wind.

Leaves flew crazily all over the courtyard. Wei Wuxian felt sorry for the person who was in charge of keeping the schoolyard clean.

A flower pot flew past the window.


Yep, he felt very sorry for that person.

Wei Wuxian looked away and lean sideways to look at the boy seated in front of him.

Luo Binghe was wearing earbuds, listening to music, oblivious to the boy burning a hole in his head with their stare.

Wei Wuxian sighed.

He then glanced behind him and the boy seated there, Hua Cheng, was busy taking a nap with his head resting on his arms.

Wei Wuxian sighed again. He was bored.

He couldn't even talk to Wen Ning because the boy did his assignment wrong and had to redo it with the help of his sister, Wen Qing.

Wei Wuxian drums his fingers on his desk. He looked up and reached out for the window and he pulled the window all the way down.

A massive gust of wind blew in, Wen Ning's assignment papers flew off his desk, leaves entered the classroom, and everyone's hair was practically being blown straight. 

A student's carefully made card house was instantly blown away. Cards scattered everywhere.

"What the heck, Wei Wuxian!" Wen Qing angrily shouted against the roaring wind.

"Just giving everyone some fresh air!" Wei Wuxian yelled back, grinning.

Then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Wei Wuxian turned his head around to see Hua Cheng's shadowed face.

"Shut that window right now," Hua Cheng demanded, his gaze trying to murder Wei Wuxian.

"..." Wei Wuxian shut the window.

The classroom immediately lulls down.

Hua Cheng sat back down and resumed his nap.

Luo Binghe turned around and took out his earbuds.

"Did something happen?" he asked, puzzled, seeing Wei Wuxian's exaggerated tearful face.

"Luo-xiongggg, I-"

But Luo Binghe already turned around, putting back his earbuds.

Luo Binghe was in his own bubble, ignorant of the world around him.

A few moments later Wei Wuxian was bored again.

Both Hua-xiong and Luo-xiong are so boring today! No one wants to play with him! (TTnTT)

"Yo- Wei Wuxian! Some girl at the door is asking to see you!" a boy yelled across the classroom to Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian perked up.

"Coming!!!" Wei Wuxian hastily tore across the room and out of the classroom.

"Jie!" the delighted boy ran up, and a smiling girl turned around.

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