22- Cang Qiong Shopping Mall (Part 2)

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Subtitle: Lan Yi's Pet Shop.

"I'm Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian."

"Well, I'll be, Wei Ying-xiong, that was amazing of you!" the boy grabbed Wei Wuxian's hands, their eyes shining with enthusiasm.

"Ahahaha... Thank you, uh- Shi Qingxuan-xiong, maybe you should check your bag first, to see if anything is missing-?" Wei Wuxian suggested, a little weirded out. Usually, he was supposed to be the weird one, not the other person.

"Oh, you are right!" the boy exclaimed, quickly opening his bag.

"Oh, let's see... I got my phone here, car keys, oh haha I don't really drive tho, my brother usually drives me and my friends around... My coffee card, my gold express card... My VIP card for the hotel..."

Wei Wuxian's eyes grew wider and rounder as the boy listed all the contents in their bag.

This boy is rich! Turns out the thief knew what he was doing! Why, if Wei Wuxian wasn't a model citizen, he would have also chosen to rob this boy. But alas, he is a model citizen and therefore wouldn't.

"Yep! Everything is in here!" said the boy, satisfied.

"Right, now we call the local police," Wei Wuxian said, nodding towards the man whose face was planted on the floor.

"Okay!" the boy did as he was told.

Later, Wei Wuxian found himself alone holding a one hundred dollar bill.

Let's recap what happened:

"You are so cool, Wei-xiong, do you think you can teach me how to kick someone's ass? Oh my god, I can totally see us being best friends!" the boy beamed.

"Okay! I barely know you, and I literally just met you today, but let's become besties!" Wei Wuxian beamed back.

Of course, Wei Wuxian was being sarcastic. But who knew that the boy was serious and so Wei Wuxian found himself giving his Wechat to a complete stranger.

Afterward, his new friend- sorry, new best friend, Shi Qingxuan, hurried off saying something about it's time for rehearsal practice.

Before the then hasty boy dashed off, the boy pressed a hundred dollar bill into Wei Wuxian's hands, for Wei Wuxian to take as a token of gratitude and for Wei Wuxian to get himself a 'little' something, also leaving Wei Wuxian feeling dirt poor.

How come everyone he met is rich?

Wei Wuxian stood there, squatted next to a potted plant, wondering about life- sorry, wondering about how he should spend his newfound wealth.

He had completely forgotten what he was doing in the mall in the first place until-

"Oi, Wei Wuxian!" a cranky voice shouted.

"Jiang Cheng!" Wei Wuxian jumped up and spun around.

"What are you doing here? It took me forever to find you! Why didn't you wait by that blue column as we planned??" Jiang Wanyin demanded.

"Ay, you are the one who's late, why are you blaming me?" Wei Wuxian shot back. Wei Wuxian wanted to smack Jiang Cheng with his one hundred dollar bill.

"It's not my fault that I'm late! Some idiot spilled their coffee on me!" Jiang Wanyin snapped.

"Why are you mad at me then?" Wei Wuxian huffed, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

"I'm not! What are you talking about?" Jiang Wanyin asked.

"Oh right, right, my bad. I forgot you usually sound like that."

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