38- Another windy day

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Wei Wuxian: "...!"

Lan Xichen: "It's because..."

Wei Wuxian leaned forward in his seat, his eyes encouraging Lan Xichen to continue.

Jiang Wanyin: "..." Jiang Wanyin picked up his coffee cup and took a sip, bored.

Lan Xichen: "It's because Wangji's at his music competition today!"


Jiang Wanyin put down his cup of coffee. He shoots Wei Wuxian a glance.

Wei Wuxian: "Ha, I knew- wait what?"

Lan Xichen smiled, a bit confused. "Wangji's at his music competition. He told you he plays the guqin, yes?"

Wei Wuxian waved a hand. "I heard you the first time. But WHAT?" Wei Wuxian pushed himself up with his palms pressed on the counter.

Lan Xichen shrank back a bit. "..."

Lan Xichen: "What, what?"

"He could have just told me!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed. "He could have just told me! There's probably more to this right?"

Lan Xichen scratched his cheek. "Oh, I don't know, I just know Wangji is at his music competition event today." He shrugged at Wei Wuxian, his eyes expressing he knew nothing more.

"Aw, then you don't really know. What if Lan Zhan actually got abducted by some aliens and that's why he didn't text me but all of us just thought he was at his music competition thing and so we won't be looking for him until it's too late??"

Lan Xichen cupped a hand under his chin. He then pointed at Wei Wuxian. His eyebrows furrowed and he took his hand back under his chin.

"Or," Jiang Wanyin said, "He just couldn't care more to text you. It's not like you guys are super close right? You guys are just penfriends. You guys haven't even met yet."

Each sentence was a direct hit through Wei Wuxian's back.

Wei Wuxian turned to Jiang Wanyin, trembling. "J-Jiang Cheng. That was so mean... You're so mean..." Wei Wuxian clutched his heart with a hand.

Jiang Wanyin looked like he couldn't care less as he took another sip of his coffee.

Lan Xichen nodded. "That was a bit mean, Wanyin."

Jiang Wanyin: "..."

Wei Wuxian: "See, this is why no one likes you."

Lan Xichen: "Ah, that's not true! I like Wanyin."

Jiang Wanyin: "..."

Wei Wuxian: "..."

Wei Wuxian: "Alright, that's my cue to leave. Have fun, bye-bye."

Wei Wuxian left a shocked and frozen Jiang Wanyin in the cafe.

As Wei Wuxian walked away from Cang Qiong's shopping mall, he paused and- "Hey! That felt like déjà vu! First, Luo-xiong and then Jiang Cheng! Who's next, Hua-xiong???" (Make a yes chain lol)

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