32- Go Fish!

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"Do you have a... nine."

"Go fish."

"Damn, I swear I sense you had a nine. :("


Wei Wuxian draws a card from the deck. The two boys were playing in the kitchen of Luo Binghe and Hua Cheng's apartment, waiting for the cookies in the oven. It was a rainy Sunday, and Wei Wuxian had come over to hang out.

"Umm, do you have a seven?"

"Awe, I have two. :("

Wei Wuxian handed over his sevens.

Wei Wuxian was actually here with a purpose.

"Do you have a... four."

Luo Binghe gave his fours to Wei Wuxian.

"Yes!" Wei Wuxian did a fist bump. He had got four fours and now he put it on the marble counter next to him.

"Hmm, do you have an eight?"

"Aw man :(" Wei Wuxian handed over his eights.

Wei Wuxian was solely here to win this card game.

Hua Cheng walked into the kitchen. The boy walked to the fridge and glanced over at the two.

He took a cup and poured himself a glass of cranberry juice. Then he lazily watched the two finish their game.

Wei Wuxian won.

"Ha! In your face!" Wei Wuxian shouted, slamming his hands on the counter in victory.

Luo Binghe looked slightly offended. In his face?

"Anyway, I called the window seat!"

"You two seriously playing Go Fish to fight for the window seat," Hua Cheng noted. He took a sip of the red juice.

"Actually, I was all in for giving him that window seat but he wanted to get the seat 'all fair and square'," Luo Binghe replied.

"Huh," Hua Cheng voiced.

Wei Wuxian made a face at him. "You're just salty 'cause Luo-xiong and I get to sit together while you will have to sit in the front of the bus," he said smugly.

Hua Cheng snorted. "As if." He flicked Wei Wuxian on the forehead with a finger. "Why were you playing Go Fish anyway? That game's too simple."

"Oh, you know why. Cause the au-" Wei Wuxian's mouth was quickly covered by Luo Binghe's hand before he could finish the sentence.

"No more of that. Every time we say something like that, the comments explode."

"Oh right," Wei Wuxian said. "But my awesomeness always spreads far beyond the universe. :( It's not my fault."

"Uh huh, have you packed up everything for tomorrow?" Hua Cheng asked. To Wei Wuxian.

"Yeah. But why only to Wei Wuxian?" Wei Wuxian asked with a grin.

The timer beeped, and Luo Binghe stood up. He grabbed an oven mitten and opened the oven door, taking out the baked goods.

"Just asking," Hua Cheng said nonchalantly, "I just don't want a repeat of last year's camping trip."

"Hey- we don't talk about that part," Wei Wuxian said, a shadow passing over his face.

"Hey, who wants to try my new recipe?" Luo Binghe called.

"Ooh, ooh, me!!!" Wei Wuxian hurried over, waving an arm in the air.

Hua Cheng took another sip of his drink. He grimaced.

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