24- After School

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"And it turns out that the person I jumped on wasn't Jiang Cheng! It was just some random guy that was walking by!" Wei Wuxian laughed, slapping his desk.

Luo Binghe:

Hua Cheng:

Luo Binghe: "That must have been awkward."

Hua Cheng: "That must have been embarrassing."

Wei Wuxian does not look embarrassed at all. He had a quite thick face after all.

Wei Wuxian shrugged, "Well, it was definitely embarrassing for Jiang Cheng. Ha! You should have seen him trying to pretend like he doesn't know me."

Hua Cheng raised a brow. "I would do the same."

"Yeah, yeah but what could Jiang Cheng do? Unfriend my ass on Weibo?"

"Uh- I think he did. Actually." Luo Binghe spoke up, looking at his phone.

"Oh yeah, he does that. He'll undo it later when I keep bothering him about it. Why do you think he's always my newest follower?" Wei Wuxian appeared to be bored.

"I always did think that was kind of strange," Luo Binghe agreed.

"Jiang Cheng is kind of strange, Luo-xiong. Like why bother to unfriend me when you are gonna friend me back later?"

"But not as strange as you," said Hua Cheng.

"True," Wei Wuxian agreed. "I am quite unique. Definitely one of a kind."

"You're not wrong about that," Hua Cheng said sarcastically.

Luo Binghe didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The bell rang and Jiang Fengmian entered the class. Funny really, it's almost as if Jiang Laoshi was waiting outside, waiting to enter the moment the bell rang.

Jiang Fengmian began today's lesson.

After school:

"Wei Ying, want to come to our apartment today and play some video games?" Luo Binghe asked.

"Aren't you going to that stray cat of yours?" Hua Cheng asked the boy. Usually, Luo Binghe goes straight to that alleyway after school. Wei Wuxian has been begging forever for Luo Binghe to take him as well.

Luo Binghe shook his head. "No, for some reason Xiao Jiu never shows up on Mondays."

The boy adds, "and I also don't think Xiao Jiu is a stray anymore, he's probably the cat of that restaurant owner next door."

"Then why do you still go there nearly every day?" Wei Wuxian asked.

Luo Binghe blushed. "I can't be entirely sure that Xiao Jiu isn't a stray, someone still has to check up on him," the boy said hastily.

Of course, that wasn't the whole reason why he went. Truth is, Luo Binghe has been hoping he'll see Shen Yuan again. Unfortunately for him, he has not yet once managed to encounter the boy.

But that's okay. Luo Binghe was sure that if he keeps coming, one day he'll meet Shen Yuan again! He'll just have to wait for a little while.

Although Xiao Jiu seems extra disgruntled these days, seeing the boy always barging into his domain with that happy little hopeful expression.

(Xiao Jiu: Dude, just give up already! He ain't gonna come! If you insist on barging into my territory, the least you can do is bring me offerings. Kowtow to me, you weak human!)

(A/N: Imagine that with Xiao Jiu looking down at Luo Binghe on top of his recycling bin. Refer to ch. 9-11)

"So, you down for some video games?" Luo Binghe asked again.

"Actually, I have something to do today," Wei Wuxian said casually. "Nothing illegal of course."


"Okay, whatever," Hua Cheng spoke. "Just know that I'm not going to help you bail out of jail."

"Hey! I did say, nothing illegal, did I? Rest assured, I won't need you to help me bail out of jail. Luo-xiong can do that."

"Oh gee, I don't know," Luo Binghe sighed. "I'm kinda out of money right now."

Wei Wuxian blinked. Then Luo Binghe laughed. "I'm joking," he said, "Just don't do anything stupid."

"You say that like Stupid is my middle name," Wei Wuxian grinned. "But it's okay! I'm also kinda rich now!"

As if he was waiting for this very moment, Wei Wuxian proudly pulled out a (slightly wrinkled) hundred-dollar bill.


Luo Binghe: "Wei Ying, it's not nice to steal."

Hua Cheng: "Congrats. You committed your first crime at age sixteen."

"Hey!" Wei Wuxian shouted indignantly.

Then they all fall into laughter.




"I'm off," Hua Cheng said as he swung his bag over his shoulder. Wei Wuxian had left a while ago, looking quite in a hurry too.

"Oh, where are you going today?" Luo Binghe asked.

"I'm making He Xuan help me paint an old lady's basement walls."

"Oh, that's nice." Luo Binghe didn't know what else to say.

"You bet it is," there was an (evil) glint in Hua Cheng's eye. "Alright, bye, I'll see you for dinner."

Hua Cheng left the classroom, now empty of anyone but Luo Binghe.

Luo Binghe glanced out at a window. It was a nice sunny day. Maybe he'll take a walk in Puqi Park.


The cellphone rang.

Wei Wuxian picked up the phone. He has been waiting for the call.

"Do you spot them? Are they together?" the boy asked.

"Yeah... I see them. I want to punch his face," a boy's voice came from the phone.

"Now, now, let's not be hasty," there was a glint in Wei Wuxian's eyes. "Let Mission S.A.P begin."

To be continued...

This chapter was just easy and simple... And quite fast. Sighhhhh...

Which of the below is your most like side ship? (for some reason I felt like I asked you guys this question before 🤦)

A. Moshang

B. Beafleaf

C. Xicheng

D. Fengqing

E. Comment a side ship.

Wonder what Mission S.A.P stands for...

Wonder if Shen Yuan's purposely avoiding the poor puppy...

Wonder if Wei Wuxian is working for the FBI...

Wonder if Hua Cheng is now enjoying a cold glass of coke while He Xuan paints the old lady's basement walls for him...

Or maybe it's sprite? Or sweet tea?

Xiao Jiu Fact #1- He thinks he's a king.

Thank you for reading!

Comments and votes will be (highly) appreciated! As usual!

Word Count: 1015

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