33- Telepathy

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"Everybody knows that."

Pei Ming let out a tiny but audible cough.

Shen Qingqiu could die of embarrassment right now.

Shen Qingqiu covered his face with both hands. What to do now?? Shen Qingqiu didn't know whether to be more upset about the fact that he is in his pajamas right now or the fact that his pajamas got dirty. The latter meant he can't go straight back into bed and scream into his pillow. Which sucks.

Ugh, whatever. The longer he stays on the floor, crouched over with his hands over his face, the weirder and stupider it's going to get. Shen Qingqiu lowered his hands from his face.

He looked up and see nothing but the field and the sun peeking out through the horizon. A tumbleweed rolled by.


The group of students was already directed into the school by Lan Xichen. Apparently, the students were more fascinated by the huge white and blue building than three boys rolling about in the grass.

Xie Lian had snapped out of it and was more or less awake. He offered a hand to Shen Qingqiu. As Shen Qingqiu took it, he had a mental image of three criminals who escaped from prison in their single-colored pajamas. Shen Qingqiu cringed as Xie Lian pulled him up. Thank god they weren't wearing striped pajamas.

"Are you alright, Shen Yuan?" Xie Lian asked, patting some of the dust off Shen Qingqiu's shoulder.

"...I'm good."

"Oh, that's good," Xie Lian smiled briefly. Then he turned around and groaned, "Ugh, that was soo embarrassing." Xie Lian buried his face in his hands. "Why did you guys have to bring me along..." Xie Lian's voice was muffled by his hands.

"Hey, we are besties now, aren't we?" Shi Qingxuan exclaimed, "We got to go through some embarrassing moments together!"

"By some do you mean all the time," Shen Qingqiu muttered under his breath.

"Now, now, Shen-xiong, look at the bright side! Look, the sunrise is so pretty today!" Shi Qingxuan wrapped one arm around Shen Qingqiu's shoulders and swept over the horizon with his other.


Shen Qingqiu looked at Shi Qingxuan.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"Uh-" Shi Qingxuan squatted down and checked the watch on Shen Qingqiu's wrist. "It's 6:54 am!"

"Then I'm going back to sleep," Shen Qingqiu declared.

"I'm right behind you on that one," Xie Lian said. And then the boy yawned, rubbing an eye with his fist. "I need some more sleep too."

The three boys headed back to the dormitory.




And of course, they overslept.

They were supposed to head down to the gym at 11. It was 11:30.

There were five classes from various schools coming over to Qingfeng. One of them being MengDie. After getting shown around the whole school by the members of the student council, all five classes were dumped into the huge gym for the student's penfriend to come to fetch them.

"I can't believe Shi Qingxuan didn't wake us up!" Shen Qingqiu griped as Xie Lian and himself rushed down the hallway.

"Well, at least, Qingxuan did leave us some breakfast," Xie Lian said as he took a bite of a tea sandwich.

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