11- One rainy day (Part 3)

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A/N: Happy Reading and don't forget to comment!

The boy dropped down and grabbed their leg.


"Sorry," the boy gasped, "foot cramp."

"Are... are you okay?" Luo Binghe reached out a hand hesitantly.




The boy blinked.

"It's gone."

"..." Luo Binghe does not know what to say after that.

"MeoOw." Xiao Jiu begins licking itself.

There was silence. The only sound was the rain pattering continuously on the ground outside of this alley.


"...what were you doing behind the vase?"

"I uh-," Shen Qingqiu decided it'll be less awkward if he just says the truth. "I came here often to feed the cat. And you caught me by surprise."

"Oh," the boy bobbed his head.

"Then why didn't you come out earlier?" he then asked.

"..." Shen Qingqiu decided to change the subject. "Are you here to feed this cat too?" he asked.

Then Shen Qingqiu recalled that the boy came empty-handed.

"Sometimes," the boy smiled sheepishly, "but Xiao Jiu here seems a bit, erm, well-off, so I just come here often to play with him. I supposed it's because you were the one feeding him." the boy glanced at the cat food Shen Qingqiu had brought.

"You named the cat Little Wine?" Shen Qingqiu asked, slightly quizzical.

Luo Binghe vigorously shook his head, "No, it's Little Nine, as in the number nine," he said, showing nine fingers.

Shen Qingqiu lets out an 'ah' in understanding.

"You come here often?" Shen Qingqiu queried. He found it strange that if this boy comes here frequently, how is it that they haven't encountered earlier?

"Yeah, I usually come a little later though," the boy replied, answering Shen Qingqiu's unsaid question.

"It was raining and I was afraid something might happen to Xiao Jiu," the boy went on further explaining.

Xiao Jiu was still licking itself.

"...you seem to care a lot about this cat." even though this cat is a brat who doesn't know how much premium cat food costs.

"Yes, Xiao Jiu might be a little grumpy sometimes, but he's a good cat! :D And he's pretty unique, there aren't many all white-furred cats around." After saying this much, the boy attempts to pick up Xiao Jiu.

The cat hisses and squirmed its way out of the boy's grasp, its tail smacking the boy across the face.

"Oh..." the boy tries to grab hold of the cat again. The cat expertly dodged him.

While this was going on, Shen Qingqiu took the chance to clearly look at the boy in front of him.

The boy was good-looking. Definitely above average. Precisely what he'll call a pretty boy. He has black hair that looks particularly soft. Shen Qingqiu has the urge to reach out and touch it just to see if it will feel like that over-fluffy stuffed fox Xie Lian kept in the common room back at the dormitory.

Which Shen Qingqiu could not tell you how many times he tripped over that thing.

Anyway, ahem, the boy also has these pair of starry brown eyes, which currently expresses confusion as to why the cat kept trying to avoid him.

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