Sock Opera

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Veronica was not having a good start to the day.

Last night, she had just dealt with the Marra coven that resided in Gravity Falls and explained that they would have to play by her rules if they wanted to remain in the town. Then she killed the Marra that was picking on her grandson and his cousins. She didn't like killing, but made the exception when it came to her family. Veronica's lost one grandson in the form of Shawn, and she would be damned if she'd let anything else take her other one away. There were many ways to kill a Marra, and a dreamcatcher was arguably the most painful for a dream-lurker.

And now she was called back to the office and was standing in front of four screens. Four screens that each had a person standing in front of it. Their faces and bodies were hidden in blackness. Keeping their identities a carefully guarded secret.

"So, I see that everyone's doing quite well today," Veronica said with her arms behind her back. "Hector, you look nice. Have you lost weight? How can OPI help you today, ladies and gentlemen?"

"Agent Pines, understand that you're being questioned. I think it'd be best if you took this more seriously."

"I'll take it as seriously as I can when it comes to talking to four people who think that talking to someone on big-ass TV screens, with voice modifiers and their bodies covered up, makes them intimidating," Veronica said with a firm tone. In no mood to bend a knee in the slightest.

"Director, we're here because it has come to our attention that there's been an increase in the number of anomalous and paranormal activities in the Pacific Northwest region of the states. In a little town that you may be familiar with."

"I'm well aware of the increase in activities, and I'm working to discover what it is," she lied. She knew what it was that was causing these strange activities. The machine she and Stan were working on. However, causing them was also the youngest members of her family. Ever since they've found the Journal, more and more weird things have been popping up on their radar.

"And what about the energy spikes that have been recorded on the morning of July 20?"

"As far as I'm concerned, they're nothing more than a meteor shower," she lied again. It was the machine. But out of pure luck, the energy readings that her organization picks up are similar to meteor showers.

"Interesting. And what about your grandson, grandniece, and grandnephew?"

Veronica's eyes widened when she heard this. Did they believe they were connected to the phenomenons? No, it had to be something else. "What do they have to do with anything?" She said, her tone having a hint of anger to it.

"From what we could tell, a lot. The three kids just so happened to arrive at the beginning of summer. At the same time that the paranormal activities in Gravity Falls started to increase. While that may have been a coincidence, there's also the matter of their involvement in the freeing of the eight-and-a-half president. Then there was the discovery of the dinosaur cave and the rampaging robot that was trying to kill them."

"Gideon was a family matter," Veronica responded quickly.

"And there's the events of the night of July 21st."

Veronica's eyes widened.

"Not only did your organization detect the anomalous readings, but your grandson and nephew contacted your field operatives and showed them a book. A journal that was said to have many strange things written in it. The agents wrote it off as fake."

Veronica looked down with a scowl. It had to have been Powers and Trigger. They must have left that detail in their report. Then again, she didn't order them not to have it in their report, and they were during their job. But she couldn't weasel her way out of this.

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