The Last Mabelcorn

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It was a late night at the shack and everyone was asleep. Patrick Pines was sleeping peacefully in his bed with Wendy under his arm. The two teens snuggled up next to each other, while Dipper was sleeping with another one of his Sibling Bros books. Mabel was sleeping with a stuffed unicorn on top of her. She squeezed it and the toy said, "Princess Lovacorn says: Buy my 42 accessories!"

Down below in the secret bedroom that used to be Patrick's, Ford was sleeping on the couch. Suddenly, his eyes shot open, and he found himself not in his room. He didn't find himself inside his own house.

Instead, he found himself standing in a dreary field of wheat that stretched for miles. In the field with him was a ruined swing set, the destroyed universe portal, and the dilapidated remains of the Stanowar around him.

Ford looked around thoughtfully, when all of a sudden, the wheat started to flattened around him into the image that the author knew all too well. The shape of a certain demon that started glowing blue, before the sounds of his maniacal laughter started echoing through the dream.

"I know that laugh..." Ford whispered in a growling tune. "Show yourself!"

He turned around as Bill Cipher materialized from the ground in a flash of blue and white light. The glowing ground returned to normal as the demon floating in the air in front of Ford.

"Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well!" Bill quipped as multiple copies of himself materialized as he talked, forming a ring around Ford who glared at him unamused. All of the Bills mirrored each other's movements. "Aren't you a sight for sore eye! Stanford Filbrick Pines, my old pal!

"Bill Cipher," Ford growled out the demon's name. His voice dripped with venom aimed at Bill. "What do you want from me?"

"Oh, quit playing dumb, IQ!" One Bill said, placing his arm around Ford's shoulder. Another Bill talked as he tasseled his hair. "You knew I'd be back!" The Bill that's talking flicked Ford's nose, before all the Bills merged into one giant Bill that floats over Ford. "You think shutting down that portal could stop what I have planned? I've been making deals, chatting with old friends, preparing for the big day! You can't keep that rift safe forever."

With a snap of his fingers, he created a copy of the dimensional rift as it appeared in his hand. "You'll slip up, and when you do...!"

Bill threw the rift onto the ground, and it violently broke. Creating a massive portal in the shape of an upside-down triangle. Inside the portal were a world of bubbling colors of crimson. And trapped within that world were nightmares beyond what humans could conceive.

The fire that outlined the portal set a blaze on the field, burning the wheat around Ford. "Get out of here!" The author shouted fiercely. "You have no dominion in our world!"

"Maybe not right now, but things change, Stanford Pines!" Bill said as his form was now entirely black against the hellish light of the portal. Ford could see his own reflection in Bill's glowing eye as the demon ascended up into the portal. "Things... CHANGE!"

Bill laughed as he flew away into the portal of untold nightmares, his deep insane laughter booming in the author's ears. Ford stood in the middle of the burning wheat field in the ring of fire, before his mind was assaulted by several images flash by at once; one of his own hand, one of his own eye, and another of what looked like an extended version of the Zodiac.

That's when Ford woke up in his bed, panting. His entire body was covered in a layer of cold sweat as he tried to catch his breath. After calming down, he adjusted his glasses. "I have to warn them!" He exclaimed, and looked at his hand. "He's coming."

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