Rage Against the Game

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Well, here we go again. Patrick was in a miserable state after something bad happened to him. Just like before, Dipper and Mabel spent the whole week doing everything they could to make him happy and become cheerful again. However, it wasn't always easy, as he'd still had to work with Wendy, the girl of his dreams.

Lately he's been hanging out less with Wendy. But whenever the two were working together, Patrick would try to play things cool and act like he's always been with her, even though deep down he was hurting and conflicted. He was in love with Wendy, he was sure of it, but he gave it all up for his cousin to be happy, and honestly it was something he was willing to do again.

But now she was dating Robbie of all people, and he's been going out of his way to show it. Patrick would be using work as a way to keep his mind away from Wendy and Robbie, as it was painful to see that two so happy together. But the emo's been coming to the Mystery Shack every day. Hanging around the redhead or waiting for her to get out of work. Most of the time she'd just ditch work and go with him.

Despite knowing that it was likely over and that he should move on, Patrick was still hoping that there may still be a single amount of hope. That he may actually have a chance. But for now, the others were trying to help him forget about his lady problems. Now it was Soos' turn, and he knew just the thing to cheer him up.

"This is it dude, my favorite place in Gravity Falls," Soos said to Patrick after they entered the Gravity Falls arcade. "Everything I know, I learned right here." He started walking towards some of the games, and Patrick followed him. First, they stopped in front of a game called Frog Time. "A frog taught me how to cross a street." Soos then showed his friend another game called Ghost Maze. "When my house was haunted, I learned how to eat ghosts."

Patrick was starting to see how his friend ended up the way he is.

"And this thing taught me how to dance." Soos then showed Patrick to a dancing machine game. Surprising, the person that was playing the game was Old Man McGucket. However, as he was dancing like a crazy prospector, his feet weren't even touching any of the arrow panels. Patrick looked at the screen and saw a piece of paper that said, "Out of Order".

"Woo-hoo-hoo! I've been jiggin' here for seven days straight!" McGucket exclaimed, dancing nonstop.

Patrick figured that it was too late to do anything for the man and just decided to let the crazed man have this moment. He then went off on his own to find a fighting game. Walking towards the back of the arcade, Patrick looked around to see many of the games in either disrepair, looking like they've been untouched in years, or were covered by a blanket and had a sign on them that said that they were out of order. "Is there anything that works," he asked.

"Hey, Patrick!" Patrick was startled and turned quickly towards Wendy, who to his dismay was in the arcade and was playing a game before hearing her friend. "I didn't think you'd be here."

"Wendy!" Patrick exclaimed before laughing nervously. Why of all places did she have to be here? However, his mood changed when he saw the game she was playing. "Oh, no way! The Hammer?" He asked, walking over to her and the arcade. It's a beat-em-up arcade game where you play as two dudes who fight a lot of people, similar to games like Double Dragon.

"You like this game," Wendy asked, pleasantly surprised.

Any negative thoughts were forgotten when Patrick turned to her with a big smile. "Are you kidding me? I used to play this all the time when I was younger," he said. "Couldn't get past level ten, though."

Wendy shrugged. "Wanna play?"

Patrick was a little hesitant at first, but seeing that she wasn't with Robbie and a chance to just have a good time with the redhead, he wasn't going to pass it up. "Let's do this," he said with a determined grin and inserted a coin into the game and started playing.

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