The Curse of the Were-Wendy

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For Wendy, it was just another day working in the Mystery Shack. Standing at the counter and waiting for any costume to come into the store. However, she wasn't feeling like herself today. It was only yesterday that she found out that her ex-boyfriend Robbie had lied to her about a song that he said he wrote. Not only that, it had a hidden message that brainwashed her into going out with him.

She didn't want to come into work, as she was still very much hurt by the incident. And coming to work when it started raining didn't help her mood. Wendy sighed before hearing her phone buzz. With an irked expression she picked it up and looked at it.

Robbie: Take me back Wendy!

Wendy groaned. That was the fifth time Robbie texted her to take him back and be his girlfriend again. He didn't even attempt to apologize for what he did.

Right when she was about to block Robbie, Wendy's ears picked up the sound of soothing and heartfelt music. It wasn't loud, but that was because it was coming from another part of the Shack.

However, what really caught her attention was that it was a saxophone.

Knowing who it was, Wendy got up from her stool and entered through the "Employees Only" door and followed the music down the stairs. Before she stopped in front of a door where the saxophone music was coming from. This was actually Patrick's new room.

From what he told her, Soos had found the secret room while cleaning and Dipper and Mabel got into a fight over who would get it. Patrick then explained that there was once this carpet in the room that can have people swap bodies. After a chaotic incident, the twins decided that neither wanted the room. Patrick moved into the room, just so that he could have his own room away from the twins.

Knowing that Patrick was inside, Wendy pushed the cracked door open. The room looked old, was about the size of the attic, with a sloped ceiling and a bathroom off to one side. There were a bunch of tables, shelves and filing cabinets with random things on them. Patrick didn't know what some of them were, so he never messed with them. Under the window was a long couch, Patrick's bed was set up on the opposite side of the room.

Patrick was sitting on the couch, playing the saxophone, and Wendy has never heard anyone play so wonderfully. As listened to him playing, she remembered how her friend comforted her after the break-up with Robbie. How he held her and whispered how everything was going to be okay. How strong his arms were around her body, and how safe she felt. Like he was going to shield her from the world and never let go.

"Wendy?" The redhead gasped when she heard Patrick and snapped back to reality. With a slight blush, she brushed her hair behind her ear. "Hey, how're you doing?"

Wendy nodded. "I'm...I'm feeling better," she said to assure him, before walking over and sitting down next to him. Looking at him with a smile, she pointed to the saxophone she gave him. "That was a pretty song. What song was it?"

"'Space Lion'," he said, setting the instrument down. The two friends sat there for a moment, before Patrick broke the silence. "You sure you're okay? After last night know...."

"I'm a big girl, Patrick. I understand that dating Robbie was a mistake, I just..." Wendy sighed. "I can't believe I actually believed all that sweet crap he was telling me."

Patrick nodded. "Yeah...I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have meddled in your personal life, and I just ended up hurting you," he said. Wendy then playfully punched him in the arm.

"Ah, come on. You were trying to do the right thing," said Wendy with a smile. "You saved me from Robbie trying to control my mind."

Patrick looked a little surprised. "So, you're not mad at me," he asked.

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