Little Dipper

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Gideon Gleeful. This is a name that is famous in Gravity Falls, as Gideon was the town's child psychic. However, he's only a fraud and a conman, as Patrick and the twins learned about when they fought Gideon when he tried to make Mabel his girlfriend. They learned that the boy's hunger for ultimate power motivated him to manipulate and intimidate others into giving him what he wants. And now, he was plotting to take his revenge on the Pines family. Hoping to find what he was looking for in Journal #2, the second book written by a mysterious author that documented all the creatures, and weirder things in Gravity Falls.

He sat at his table in his room, flipping through the pages. On the table were the miniature models of the Mystery Shack and the Pines family. "Zombie attack? Never works, they don't take orders. Blood rain? Ew, mess up my suit, heh, no thank you. Demon Caterpillars? DRAT!" In frustration, he shut the book. "There must be a perfect way to exact vengeance on the Pines family. It's not enough to harm 'em, I need to take something from them. Something that'll give me ultimate power."

Gideon looked around his room as he thought of a way to get his revenge. He's been waiting too long for this moment, and he wasn't going to wait any longer. Then, he looked at the model of the Mystery Shack and his eyes widened.

"Wait, of course!" He exclaimed. Gideon then picked up the model and looked at it with a grin. "It's perfect..."

"You've gone too far this time, Duck-tective!"

"Quack quack, quack quack quack quack."

Meanwhile, at the real Mystery Shack, Patrick, Dipper, Mabel, and Stan Pines were sitting on or around the couch watching Duck-tective on TV. There weren't really any tourists around to scam, so Stan decided to join the kids. Duck-tective may have been a dumb show, but everyone got really into it. Even Patrick, who ripped into the show at times.

Their attention was brought away from the TV when the doorbell rang. And just in time, as the show cut to commercials. Stan quickly got up and put on his eyepatch. He walked over to the door and opened it. "Welcome to a world of mystery!" He declared, greeting the person outside.

That person turned out to be a man wearing a dark blue suit over a white shirt, and a red and yellow striped tie. He had gray and black hair in a comb over haircut, a large square jaw and a long bulbous nose. "Stan Pines," the man asked, narrowing his eyes.

Stan was shocked to see the man, as he lifted up his eyepatch. "The tax collector! You found me!" He yelled, before throwing a smoke bomb at the ground to distract the lawyer. The kids in the living room watched their great uncle as he ran inside and ripped off a decorative painting and threw it away, revealing a duffle bag that possibly contained thousands of dollars in cash hiding in a secret hole in the wall. Stan grabbed the duffle bag and started searching the tiles of the wall. Feeling around it by patting his hand on it, like it was going to hit a button. "Aah... uh... which one of these is the trap door?"

"What trap door," asked Patrick.

"Mister Pines." The man in the suit walked into the house, as the front door was left wide open. He walked into the living room, making Patrick reach into his sweater for his crowbar. "I'm from the Winning-House Coupon Savers contest, and YOU ARE OUR BIIIIIIG WINNER!" A cameraman came running in, along with two female models holding a giant check for 10,000,000 Dollars. One of the ladies threw confetti over Stan's head, as it fell onto him.

"Heh? My one and only dream, which was to possess money, has come true!" Stan shouted with joy and excitement.

"We're rich!" Dipper yelled, hopping off the couch. "I'm gonna get a butler!"

"I'm gonna buy a talking horse!" Mabel declared.

"I'm getting a capybara!" Patrick yelled in excitement. The twins then gave him weird looks. "What? Those things are adorable."

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