The Hand That Rocks the Mabel

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The sun was beginning to set in Gravity Falls, as Stan was finishing up a tour with one final scam. "For tonight's final illusion, we have the incredible 'Sack of Mystery,'" he said to the tourist, holding up an average potato sack with a question mark stitched on it to the tourists. "When you put your money in, it mysteriously disappears!"

The tourist bought it, saying positive things as they put their money into the bag.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Patrick was sitting on the floor with Dipper, while Mabel and Soos sat on the recliner's armrests. They were watching a TV show called Tiger Fist. "The tiger was badly injured in the explosion, but we repaired him with a fist," said the narrator, showing a tiger having a human arm come out of its left side. The title appeared.

The four of them cheered for the tiger, with Dipper saying that it's a hero. Patrick chuckled and then said with a smile, "This show sucks."

On TV, the tiger punched itself, before the title appeared again. "Tiger Fist! ...will return after these messages," the narrator said, before the TV showed a commercial that started with a person's hands releasing a group of doves.

"Hey, look. It's that commercial I was telling you guys about," said Soos, so Patrick turned up the volume.

"Are you completely miserable," a man's voice said, showing a mountain view as the sun rose into the sky.

It then showed a man sobbing, with his face in his hands. "YES!" he shouted.

"Then you need to meet—" the scene changed to show a person's silhouette, with a question mark on it and the word Gideon, before the voice whispered, "—Gideon."

"Gideon?" Dipper wondered out loud.

"What's so great about him," Patrick asked.

"He's a psychic."

"Aroo?" Mabel made an odd sound and tilted her head.

"So don't waste your time with other so-called "man of mystery." The screen showed a clip of their outhouse as Stan came out of it with a piece of toilet stuck to his slipper. The word FRAUD was stamped over him. "Learn about tomorrow tonight at Gideon's Tent of Telepathy." The screen then showed a blue and white tent with a colorful wooden pentagram with an eye in its center on top. Then a super long subtext was speeded through. "Voidwhereprohibited,noC.O.D.' 'vealwayslovedyoubutneverhadthegutstosayit."

"Wow, it looks like Stan's got himself some competition," Patrick said with a grin.

"I'm getting all curiousy inside," Mabel said.

"Well, don't get too curiousy," said Stan when he walked in and flipped up his eyepatch. "Ever since that monster Gideon rolled into town, I've had nothin' but trouble."


A couple of days ago, Stan was driving in a parking lot looking for a spot. He spotted an open parking spot and attempted to back up into it, only for Gideon's tour bus to quickly pull in first. While a crowd of cheering fans were outside, Stan made a fist and growled, "Gideon!"

—(flashback ends)—

"Well, is he really psychic," Mabel asked him, as Stan took off his suit.

"I highly doubt it," Patrick said, as he and Dipper stood up.

"I think we should go and find out," Dipper said.

"Never!" Stan snapped, taking off his tie and unbuttoning his white shirt. "You're forbidden from patronizing the competition. No one that lives under my roof is allowed under that Gideon's roof!"

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