Firework Run

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It was the good old 4th of July in Gravity Falls, and for this year marked the first time that the Pines Cousins would celebrate it at the Mystery Shack. It was the beginning of the morning, and Pines Cousins, Soos, and Wendy had just finished setting up all the decorations. But they were also excited because Gravity Falls was going to be having its own 4th of July fireworks show.

"Man, I can't believe that we're going to be having a fireworks show this year," Soos said with a big smile. "It's gonna be off the chain!"

"I know right!" Patrick exclaimed with a smile. "Which reminds me, check out what I found in the closet!" He ran inside while everyone glanced at one another in confusion. However, a few seconds later, Patrick came back outside with a large cardboard box. Walking out onto the ground in front of the Mystery Shack and setting it on the ground, the teenager opened the box to show everyone what was inside. "Bam!"

To the amazement of everyone, the box was filled to the brim with fireworks. It had everything from roman candles to sparklers and firecrackers. But the crown jewel of it all were the missiles and rockets.

"Whooooa." The others said in amazement.

"You guys realize what this means right?" Mabel asked, and her brother instantly knew.

Dipper grinned from ear to ear. "You mean..."

"Firework party!" The two kids cheered together, with the others joining in the fun.

Afterwards Patrick reached into the box and pulled out a plastic bag of snappers. "I wonder if these things are still good," he said, prepared to open the bag when Grunkle Stan's car drove up to the Mystery Shack.

Stan got out of his car and was about to see what all of his workers were doing when he spotted the box of fireworks and Patrick trying to open the bag of snappers. This made his face turn to a look of horror as he called out to his nephew. "No, wait! Don't open that bag!"

Startled, Patrick turned his head towards his great uncle, only for him to accidentally tear open the bag and all of the snappers went flying out.

Time slowed down as a few of those snappers fell down towards the open box of pyrotechnics. Patrick yelled as he grabbed Dipper and Mabel before making a break for it with Wendy and Soos. The three of them ran away from the box before the snappers landed inside with the rest of the fireworks.

When nothing happened, Patrick, Wendy, and Soos stopped and turned back around. Seeing the box still there with nothing else happening. Patrick set the twins back down on the ground as they stared at the box.

"Boo! No explosion!" Mabel jeered, crossing her arms and feeling disappointed. "That sucked!"

But then one of the snappers went off with an audible cracking sound. Setting off all the fireworks in the box in one big explosion that knocked everyone off their feet and onto their backs. They all watched as the rockets, missiles, and aerial repeaters shot into the air, exploding everywhere in bright, colorful displays. Oddly, but fortunately, they didn't catch any of the trees on fire.

The kids and Soos watched the fireworks where they sat on the ground. Stan stood up and looked to see the grand finale explode with the words "HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!" with patriotic music playing from inside his car.

When the radio was turned off, and the fireworks were finished, Patrick and the others turned their heads to see Stan. He was the one that turned off the music in his car, and was now glaring at Patrick clearly enraged by what he had seen.

Realizing that he really messed up, Patrick's face grew worried as he laughed nervously. "Hey...Stan..."


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