Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons

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Two days have passed since the portal's reopening, and the Pines Cousins learned about the author being their long-lost uncle. After everything that they've learned, Patrick was more than glad just to relax. The Mystery Shack was still in a state of disrepair, though the interior wasn't as bad as the outside.

Things were finally calming down after the upheaval and drama of the past few days. Patrick, Dipper, Mabel, and Stan were hanging out together in the unoccupied gift shop. The young man was in the corner, texting his girlfriend, who was camping with her family. Dipper was reading Journal #2, and Stan was looking through the newspaper. Mabel was lying on the ground with an empty Cheese Boodles bag.

She blew the bag of Cheese Boodles into the air and watched as the bag slowly drifted down. "I just ate a bag of Cheese Boodles without using my hands. Lazy Tuesday, you are delivering in a big way!" She exclaimed happily, pointing her cheese-covered finger to the air.

"After what we've been through, it's nice to be lazy for once," Patrick said as he sat against the counter.

"Heh. Yeah. It's nice to finally have a day where nothing interesting happens whatsoever," Stan said as he flipped through the paper.

Patrick put down his phone and looked at his uncle with an exasperated look. "Really?"

"What?" Stan asked.

Not even a second later, the vending machine door that led to the portal in the basement suddenly burst open. Stan's twin brother, Ford Pines, came out with smoke pouring all around him. He was in the middle of trying to subdue a small, horrifying octopus monster that was attached to his wrist.

"That!" Patrick exclaimed as the twins screamed in horror.

"Get down! Don't let it taste human flesh!" Ford exclaimed and used his electrified gloves to punch the Cycletopus. It drops off his hand and crawls around the room.

"What is it?!" Dipper exclaimed as he climbed onto a chair.

"Can we keep it?" Mabel asked with a fascinated grin as it crawled towards her.

"Kids, get back!" Patrick exclaimed before he pulled her away and pulled out his laser shotgun. He fired at the Cycletopus, only for it to dodge the laser blast, and rushed towards Stan.

"Kill it! Kill it!" Stan shouted as he hit the monster with a rolled-up newspaper.

Ford moved past his brother as he chased after the creature. Jumping over the corner before pursuing it into the corner. "Patience... and..." the author muttered as he moved cautiously towards the monster. Backed into the corner, the cycloptopus' eye turned into a screaming mouth as it roared at him. "Gotcha!"

The author grabbed it and shocked it with his gloves. A moment later, and he held up its burnt body for everyone to see. He then gave everyone a smile.

"Great. Now get it outta here. It smells like if death could barf," Stan remarked with a scowl as Ford passed him with his head held high.

"Whoa! No kidding," Patrick muttered after getting a whiff of the stench.

"Great uncle Ford!" Dipper rushed past Patrick and ran over to Ford with Journal 2. "You need any help with that?" he asked, before opening the book to the page with the monster. "I've read all about these creatures in your journal, and I think I know how to--"

"No!" Ford quickly interrupted him with a firm look on his face. "I'm sorry, Dipper, but the dark weird road I travel, I'm afraid you cannot follow," he explained in a dark tone.

"But..." Dipper's smile faded as he protested. Patrick placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from continuing any further.

"We'll stay out of your way," he said with a slight frown.

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