Blendin's Game

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 AN: "Blendin's Game" takes place between the events of "Land Before Swine" and "Dreamscaperers.


In the far distant future, there was a prison known as the Infinetentiary, where those who have broken the laws of time are locked up. Just as its name states, it's in the shape of the infinity symbol. Its sides are rimmed with a glowing silvery blue. Next to it was a large sign reading "INFINETENTIARY" and two red beacons, composed of impossible triangles. It's located near a crumbling moon of an unknown planet.

No man's ever gotten out alive. Until today.

Suddenly the alarms of the prison went off, signaling the escape of a convict. Police choppers flew over a dystopian city as the very same prison that escaped ran down in the slums. Wearing a cloak, he ran as the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron chased after him. Leading the squad was Lolph and Dundgren.

"I've got to hand it to this perp, no one's broken out of the Infinitentiary before," Dundgren said.

"He's either the bravest time convict I've ever seen, or the dumbest," added Lolph.

The convict looked behind his shoulder to see the officers gaining on him. So he turned to the left, only to run straight into a wall. "Ow!" He yelled, with a voice that was oddly familiar. The prisoner stumbled into barrels and fell over causing his hood to come off and revealing him to be none other than Blendin. "Oh! My time-knee! Oh, time-dang it!" He said, holding his knee, before noticing that Lolph and Dundgren had caught up to him.

"Definitely the dumbest," said Dundgren, pointing his gun at Blendin.

"Freeze! You're surrounded by the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron!" Lolph said as Blendin became surrounded. "Anything you say can and already has been used against you in future court."

Dundgren pulled out a pair of energy cuffs. "This is it, Blendin. End of the timeline. Any last words?"

With his time having run out and his escape having failed, Blendin tried looking around for another opinion as he stammered. "Uh-uh-uh-uh-I-I-I-I... I INVOKE GLOBNAR!"

This shocked everyone, from the spectators to even the officers. "Very well, speak the name and century of those accused," Dundgren said, pulling out a tablet.

"The one that ruined my life: Patrick Pines. 21st century," Blenden stated. Dundgren's tablet searched up the name and century, before finding a clip of Patrick playing his saxophone on a stage at the Mystery Shack. The clip was then shown on every screen in the city, with the words "GLOBNAR TRIBUTES" over it.

"So be it," Lolph said as Patrick's performance came to an end and the crowd cheered for him. "May Time Baby have mercy on his souls."



Patrick Pines was having a great day today. Not only did he get to perform on stage for the Mystery Shack to make some more money, but his crush Wendy had come out to see him perform. Now she was back to working at the Mystery Shack after the horrific events of her werewolf curse. Things were finally calming down and with the money he himself made from tips from the show, Patrick decided to treat himself and his cousins to some treats. And it just happened that the vending machine was stocked that day.

So, he slid a dollar bill into the machine and pressed the buttons for the first selection. A bag of Yumber Jacks for the twins. He then pressed the enter button and the machine started. The teen waited patiently as the twins eagerly anticipated the candy.

"Candy! Candy! Candy!" Dipper and Mabel chanted together, only for the candy to get stuck on the ring before it could drop. Much to the kids' alarm and chagrin.

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