The Final Days of Summer

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Patrick slept peacefully in his bed when he felt a tug on his arm. Waking up, Patrick noticed that there was a shadow over him. Opening his eyes, he let out a scream. Hanging in front of his face, with two googly eyes glued to her chin, was Mabel.

"Mornin', Patrick, guess who!" she said in a silly voice.

Patrick stared up at her with tired eyes and an annoyed look. "Dipper!" he said loudly.

"What?" Dipper groaned, still asleep.

"Mabel's doing something weird."

Dipper sighed in annoyance and sat up. He looked over at the two and playfully rolled his eyes when he saw what she was doing. "Oh, what joy. If it isn't Mr. Upside-Downington. How long's it been? Third grade, maybe?"

"That's right. And I'm here to deliver you two an upside-downington-tastic message!" Mabel exclaimed with a widening smile.

"Let me guess," Patrick said. "Is it you're getting too old to glue things to your face?"

"Um, kinda, actually," Mabel said in her normal voice. She jumped off the bed and Patrick sat up as she ran over to her calendar on her side of the room. The hyperactive girl pointed to August 31. "It's that we are exactly one week away from our 13th birthday!"

"Whoa! Our birthday's coming up already?" Dipper asked, sitting up in his bed.

"Yep! You two have grown up so fast. Soon you're gonna be actual teenagers!" Patrick said with a big smile.

"Finally! I can stop reading preteen magazines and start reading post-preteen magazines," Mabel said with an eager smile.

"PG-13 movies, here I come!" Dipper exclaimed.

"I can finally show you two some of my favorite anime shows!" Patrick said. The three of them jumped off their beds and walked to the middle of the room together.

"And just one more year until high school!" Mabel announced as she excitedly shook her brother. "High school, Dipper! Where girls become women and they teach us stuff about..." She turned Dipper around and whispered to him in his ear "You know what."

"Trigonometry?" Dipper responded

"Oh yeah, baby!" Mabel cheered.

Patrick laughed and shook his. He knew they were talking about sex without saying it, but it was still funny to him. Suddenly, Stan and Soos entered the room excitedly.

"That's not the only good news coming up!" Stan announced, holding a magazine. "In one week my senior citizen's ponytail kit is coming in the mail. I'm...I'm kinda going through some things."

"In one week, my grandma is finally letting me eat crackers on my bed!" Soos declared. "What about you, Patrick? Anything exciting for you?"

"Well, dad said that the baby's expected to arrive very soon. So, I'll be a big brother again!" Patrick said with genuine excitement. Ever since coming to terms with Shawn's death during the Nightmare Spirit incident, Patrick's actually been looking forward to seeing his new brother or sister.

"The future is coming for us all, dudes," Soos said

"The future." Stan echoed.

"The future!" Dipper cried.

"The future!" Mabel cheered, her googly eyes wiggling around on her chin.

"The future," Patrick said as well. He then looked at Mabel and laughed. "I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously with that face on your chin." He chucked.

"What face, Patrick?" Mabel asked, acting as Mr. Upside-Downington.

Dipper laughed as well. "You're--You're doing the voice so you obviously know what I'm talking about–"

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