Into the Bunker

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One of Patrick and Wendy's favorite things to do together when they were not at work was watching old B-movies that frequently aired on Gravity Falls' public television and make fun and joke about them while watching. At first, the redhead cashier didn't know why the brave teenager loved watching these old movies, but after he showed her some movies like Starcrash, she started to really like watching them, especially with Patrick as he made some funny jobs.

As so, as the Shack was undergoing reconstruction from the zombie attack, the two teenagers were doing just that. Relaxing at the foot of Wendy's bed with a big bowl of popcorn as they watched a Night of the Living Dead knockoff movie that was the pure definition of cheesy.

The movie started out with two teenagers parked in a cemetery. When the zombies started moving towards them, the lead female clung to her boyfriend, as a microphone from one of the movie's crew lowered down too much and was in the frame. "What do we do, Chadley? I thought they were dead!" she cried.

"Far worse, Trixandra! They're... Nearly Almost Dead But Not Quite!" Chadley exclaimed, overdramatically.

"Title drop!" Patrick said, and coincidently, the title for Nearly Almost Dead But Not Quite! appeared on screen with a splatter of blood squirting up from the sides of the TV. And if you think the title was bad, it's really what's to be expected from a movie made by a studio called 'A Good Enough Picture' productions. "These movies are a lot less scary when you actually fought real zombies."

"They're slow!" Wendy shouted at the TV. "Just power-walk away from them!"

Patrick smirked and poked Wendy with his elbow. "Five bucks says that guy dies first."

And he turned out to be right, as the zombies pounced on Chadley and started chomping on his face. "Aah! My face is being eaten a lot!"

"Remember me for how I was!" Patrick said, mocking Chadley's voice. "As a stereotype!" That made the two laugh together.

"Chadley ain't pretty no more." Wendy joked at the guy's ridiculous death. Made, even more, sillier with the fake blood and flesh. Just then their fun was interrupted when the cashier's phone buzzed inside her pocket.

"Hey, no phones during the movie!" Patrick said in faux anger.

Wendy laughed and pulled out her phone. "One second, Pattycakes," she said, teasing him with one of the nicknames he disliked being called by. Flipping open the flip phone and seeing what it was notifying her about, Wendy's grin turned to an aggravated scowl. "Ugh, another text from Robbie!"

Patrick raised an eyebrow. "Really? Again? How's all that going?" He asked, a little worried for Wendy. He didn't want to find out that Robbie was now starting to creepily stalk her and other weird things.

Wendy rolled her eyes and groaned. "Ugh, I'm over him, I just wish he was over me! Just look at these texts." Wendy held her phone out to show Patrick what she meant. It showed a bunch of texts from Robbie, who's picture showed him looking sad in the rain. The latest text was a ;( emoji. "Winky frown? What does that even mean?"

Patrick hesitated for a moment. He wanted to ask Wendy out on a date. After waiting for a long time, he was finally going to try his luck and ask out the girl of his dreams. He gave up hope when he was going to be sent home, but when she kissed him at the bus stop, it reignited a small flame of hope. "And you're not like, seeing any other guys or..." He asked, trying not to be too obvious.

"Of course I am," Patrick's turned to shocked dismay, but then she smirked and grabbed a plush walrus. "Meet my new boyfriend, dude," she teased, making the toy squeak.

Patrick laughed a little. "Right, right." He averted eye contact with his crush as he began to think of a way to start his question.

Seeing her crush looking a little uncomfortable, Wendy asked, "Hey, man, what's up? You know you can tell me anything, right?"

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