Boyz Crazy

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One of Patrick and Wendy's favorite things to do together in the gift shop was play a game in which they watched the security feed with the volume muted. They would then voice over what the tourist or Stan was saying. Sure, it was dumb, but they would always end up laughing their ass off. Right now, they were watching the feed of Stan talking to a customer. "Do you have this T-shirt in my size?" Patrick asked, playing as the tourist.

"I have something even better!" Wendy said, giving her best Stan impression. The old man then turned around and bent down to grab something. Giving her the perfect punch line. "Behold: My butt!"

Patrick and Wendy laughed together, with the latter holding a packet of chips. "That was gold!" Patrick exclaimed with a big grin. "I could play this game forever."

"I'll say." Wendy said, eat a handful of chips. It was just another one of those moments with Patrick that she really liked. Furthermore, the strangely pleasant feeling of being with him grew with every moment spent together. "Oh, hey! I got you something," she said before reaching down to grab something. Patrick looked at her back with a raised eyebrow. Wendy then brought out a large cardboard box.

She opened the box, and Patrick gasped at the sight of a shiny, almost new looking saxophone.

"No way!" Patrick grabbed the instrument and pulled it out of the box. "Is this...? Are you actually giving this to me?!" He exclaimed while examining the saxophone. "This thing is basically brand new!"

"My dad actually bought this a while ago, but couldn't play it." Wendy shuttered as she remembered when Manly Dan nearly made her and her brothers deaf when he first tried it. "But then I remember Dipper said that you were good with the saxophone," she said with a smile.

Patrick blushed sheepishly. Why did her smiles have to be perfect? "Yeah, my mom wanted me to try out musical instruments and see if I liked any of them. When I first tried out the saxophone, I found out I was really good at playing it," he told her.

"Nice, do you think you play something for me?" Wendy leaned on the counter with her hands on her chin. Patrick was a little surprised that she wanted to hear him play, but smiled and got ready to start. However, he was interrupted when they heard laughing and turned their heads to see it was Mabel. "This is fun, what you two have," she said pointing at the teenagers.

"Mabel? How long have you been standing there," asked Patrick, putting the saxophone down.

"Don't worry about that. Let's talk about why I'm doing this dance!" Mabel said, and backed up to show her dancing with her legs. "Do-do-do-do-do..."

Patrick's eyes widened as he started to panic. "Oh, no!" He exclaimed in a panic, before turning to Wendy to grab her arms and shake her around. "Quick, get something really sour! She got into the Smile Dip again!"

"Wrong one-thousand!" Mabel corrected her cousin. "It's because today is the greatest day of my life!" She then took out and threw a calendar at Patrick's face.

"Ow!" Patrick yelled when he got hit. Letting go of Wendy, he looked at the calendar and saw that it had a picture of the popular boy band Sev'ral Timez. It was made up of five boys that all looked the same with similar physical features: blond hair, blue eyes, black eyebrows, muscular physiques, square chins, and light skin. Additionally, they all wear some sort of white top, lavender pants, and white shoes with gray soles.

"Sev'ral Timez is playing at the Gravity Falls Civic Center and Buffet!" Mabel announced with joy.

"Sev'ral Timez? Aren't they that boy band that came a decade too late?" Patrick asked, which was a giant understatement.

Mabel then played one of their songs called "Cray Cray" and began dancing to it. As he listened to it, Patrick noticed how much worse Sev'ral Timez's music was getting. He wasn't going to lie, they had talent as singers, but their songs were extremely outdated. It was like someone was trying to bring back 90's music, but all they did was make themselves look like a parody of the boy band culture. Mabel ended it by posing with her arms crossed.

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