Face It!

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Another morning, another start to another day in Gravity Falls. Patrick was waking up when Ford suddenly burst into the room with all three of his journals. The teenager shot up as Ford walked over to Dipper, who was already awake with Mabel. "Dipper! I'm going to be out for three days hunting the elusive Mothman. He owes me money," said the author, placing the journals on the nightstand.

Patrick groaned as he sat up. "Didn't we just put up the barrier so that Bill didn't get into our heads?"

"I would be the only one safe from him," said Ford as he tapped on his head and the titanium plate rang. He glared at Patrick, no doubt still frustrated at him for the stunt he pulled in revealing the rift. Ford turned back to Dipper and handed him one of the journals. "I trust you to look after my journals while I'm gone."

"All three journals?!" Dipper gasped with a giant grin on his face and stars in his eyes. "Me?! After?! Look?!"

"Yes, those are most of the words I said. In a somewhat worrying order," said Ford as he started climbing out the triangular window. "Try not to sit too close to the TV."

Crashing through the glass, Ford front rolled in the air before landing on the ground and running off into the forest. "And I'm off!"

"Use the fucking door next time, you fucking show-off!" Stan yelled at him while walking to the door of the gift shop.

With Ford out of the house, each of the kids grabbed one of the books and opened them. "Mabel, Patrick, this is amazing! Finally, I have all three journals!" Dipper exclaimed with joy in his voice. "According to this, Ford once dated a siren!"

"Wowie zowie! Paranormal rashes! This was sure worth the wait!" Mabel said, though it was unclear if she was being sarcastic or not.

"Yeah, nothing like having all three Necronomicons instead of just one." Patrick on the other hand was being sarcastic and picked up one of the journals. However, when he saw this, Dipper closed the one he was holding and tried to grab it from him.

"Ah, actually, I'll hold onto it," he said, reaching out of it, only for Patrick to hold it out of his reach.

"What are you talking about? I'm not going to break it," Patrick said, holding it over Dipper's head as he tried jumping up for it.

"Yeah, but Ford trusted me with the journals." Dipper insisted.

"What about Mabel? She's likely the one that'll set them on fire." Patrick pointed to his other cousin.

"I would not!" Mabel exclaimed, next to an open fire lantern.

"Yeah, but..." Dipper trailed off. Frowning as he looked to the side.

Realizing just what this was all about, Patrick looked at his cousin in disbelief. "This is about me forcing Ford to spill the beans, isn't it?" He asked, holding up the book.

"Well, yeah! Ford trusted us with keeping that rift safe!" Dipper said angrily.

"No, he wanted us to keep it a secret from everyone else," Patrick argued.

"He's got a point, Dipper. Was he even going to tell me?" Mabel asked her brother. Still a little upset over Ford not letting her in on the secret.

"Y-Yeah, I'm sure he would have. Ford knows what he's doing!" Dipper insisted, but didn't sound as convinced in that comment as he should have. "We just have to trust him."

"Like you do?" Patrick asked, frowning as he looked at him. "Trust is earned, Dipper. Take me for example. I've gone through hell and back to gain the trust of everyone I know and prove that I am trustworthy! Ford shows up and you follow him like a puppy."

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