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The rain had come again, and it forced the Mystery Shack gang to stay locked inside of the house. Patrick didn't really mind the rain, even though it was a dreary sight. He always saw it as the moment before something came in a movie. Also with the weather being this bad, there were going to be no tourists to the Shack, and that gave Patrick some time to play on his saxophone.

As the rain poured down the roof and leaked into the Mystery Shack, the twins came down to Patrick's room to have their own fun while inside. Patrick was laying on the couch on his back playing low, soothing jazz music, as Wendy sat on the other end of the couch, bobbing her head lightly to the music. The rainfall caused major flooding on the driveway that even when Stan gave her and Soos the day off they were stuck there. But it's not like the two were complaining, as they hung out at the Shack so much.

She had her phone out but was barely paying attention to it. Instead, Wendy would glance at Patrick for a few moments. Loving how great the boy she secretly had a huge crush on played. It couldn't be helped that she started to form a blush on her cheeks.

Sitting on the floor of Patrick's room was Dipper and Mabel. The two were playing Battleship, but were mostly there to see how Patrick and Wendy were hanging out. It was clear that Wendy felt something for their cousin by the way she was acting.

"Aren't they cute together?" asked Mabel.

"Yeah," Dipper said, more focused on the game. "I'm gonna say... B5."

"Miss!" Mabel corrected and put another peg on her board. "Whop!" Patrick stopped playing and looked at Mabel's board. Hearing her crush stop, Wendy looked at where he was staring at and chuckled with him when they saw that she'd arranged her pegs into the shade of a kitten.

"That's not how you play, Mabel," Patrick said with a smirk.

"Says you!" Mabel pointed at him before throwing her arms up. "I make my own rules!"

"Yeah!" Wendy exclaimed and the two girls high-fived.

Dipper sighed in annoyance and started putting away his board. "That's one thing we can agree on," he said. Every time the two played a game, Mabel would always bend the rules to her advantage.

"Kids! Come quick!" Stan shouted from the living room.

The four kids exchanged glances, questioning what Stan could possibly be wanting. They then ran out of the room and up the stairs. Patrick, Wendy, and the twins entered the living room to find Stan watching television. Laughing at it with Soos in the room too.

"I need you to laugh at this with me!" He pointed from his chair at the TV.

They looked at the television and saw a commercial for the Tent of Telepathy. And in that commercial was the infamous kid physic himself, Gideon Gleeful. Floating through the sky while singing and playing on a guitar. "Who's cute as a button, and always your friend? Lil' G-I-D to the E-O-N! Wink!" He winked.

"Li'l Gideon!" Bud's voice said, as the kid's name was displayed in big letters on screen. Letters spelled out in cursive writing

"Ugh, Gideon!" Dipper groaned bitterly, as the Pines kids grimaced.

Mabel cringed with a disgusted expression. "Remember when I wouldn't date him and he tried to kill Patrick?" she mentioned.

"Or when he shrank us and he tried to take the Shack?" Patrick asked, glaring at Gideon. He then looked at Stan with a raised eyebrow. "Seriously, when did he become so interested in this dump?"

"You kidding me? The little bastard's always trying to trick me into losing the Mystery Shack.

"One time I caught him stealing my moisturizer," Wendy said, propping her arm against the back of Stan's chair.

Weirder Things (Male OC X Wendy Corduroy)Where stories live. Discover now