Weirdmageddon Part 1: Odd-pocalypse Now

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This is the way the world ends. With a tear in the fabric of reality that led to the Nightmare Realm. Weirdmaggedon was the end that the Pines have been working and fighting to stop. But there was no stopping it. Only delaying the inevitable apocalypse that would see two dimensions that should never meet collide. The Pines family threw everything they had to stop Bill and still came up short. Now it was time to pay the price.

Patrick stared up at Bill as he psychotically laughed below the tear in the sky. His body turned black with white outlines. "Oh, it's happening. It's finally, finally happening!" He gleefully yelled and continued laughing as he was swarmed by light blue particles. Then what appeared to be muscle fiber covered him. "Physical form? Don't mind if I DO!" Thunder boomed and lightning flashed all around him as he was encased in a metal pyramid and vanished. Turning into a white triangle that shined as brightly as the sun over the woods.

For a moment, Patrick's attention was turned away from the sky as Blendin got to his feet. "Blendin!" Setting Mabel's body down on the ground, Patrick rushed over and helped the time traveler up as he lowered his goggles.

"Huh?! What just happened?" He asked, looking around worriedly and confused.

"It's Bill Cipher!" Patrick yelled over the roaring winds. "He's opened a portal to the Nightmare Realm!"

Blendin was about to ask a question when something made him yell in shock. He pointed to something behind Patrick, and the teenager turned around. To his horror, Mabel was lifted off the ground as a pink light glowed from her body.

"Mabel!" Patrick yelled as a pink bubble appeared around her with the shooting star symbol from her favorite sweater appearing on it. He ran over to try and get her out, but the bubble was sealed and locked with a heavy metal chain. He started banging on the bubble, but it didn't break it.

Then the bubble lifted up into the air and shot off across the sky. Flying over the forest towards an unknown destination.

"NO!" Patrick yelled as he reached out for her, but it was no use. She was gone.

"Oh. Oh, man. This is bad! This is real bad!" Blendin exclaimed.

"Blendin!" Patrick turned back to the nervous man. "You've got to get Time Baby! We've got to stop Bill!"

"R-Right!" He stammered, before holding up his watch and pressing the speaker button. "Guys, we've got a situation!" He then pressed another button, causing him to vanish in a flash of bright light.

The ground started to tremble, as a large, triangular shadow crept over Patrick and the forest. As his boonie hat flew off his head, Patrick turned around to face Bill. But what he saw made his face turn to horror. It wasn't just him that felt terror. In the town of Gravity Falls, everyone turned their attention to the sky as Bill floated over them.

In a giant black form, Bill was no longer 2D. Now a pyramid, his was completely black with outlines that were a mixture of pink, green, and blue. His body was split into three sections, with his head at the top, and the two middle and bottom sections spinning around. Protruding from each section were two arms with a ball of fire in each of his palms. "Alright, listen up you one lifespan, three-dimensional, five sense skin puppets!" He said in a deep and evil voice before returning to both his normal voice and form. Lowing down to float next to the salute of Nathaniel Northwest. "For one trillion years I've been trapped in my own decaying dimension, waiting for a new universe to call my own." He gave the false founder's statue a knocking. "Name's Bill! But you can call me your new lord and master for all of eternity!"

He then turned and fired a blue laser beam from his eye that burned and melted the statue completely, frightening the townsfolk.

"Now meet the gang of interdimensional criminals and nightmares I call my friends," Bill said, gesturing up to the scar in the sky. And from it came horrible monsters from all over the multiverse.

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