Not What They Seem

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In the early hours, just past midnight, all of the residents of Gravity Falls were tucked in bed, fast asleep. The Northwest Fest had ended only 2 hours ago, and with it came the return of peace and quiet in the town as the stars shined in the night. In the early hours, just past midnight, all of the residents of Gravity Falls were tucked in bed, fast asleep. However, there was no rest for two certain individuals. Inside the Mystery Shack, the gift shop's vending machine was periodically back-lit by a pulsing blue light that glowed brightly in the darkroom. Down in the basement, in the underground laboratory beneath the Shack, Stan and Veronica were hard at work trying to turn on the machine.

Stan was standing in front of the machine's controls as the secret agent was wearing a hazmat suit while pouring in another barrel of radioactive liquid in the machine's tank. Once it was emptied, she placed the barrel down and closed the tank's lid before taking off the mask. "Alright! Do it!" She called her cousin.

Stan pulled a lever, and green hazardous fluid pumped into large, glass tanks. "Come on, come on..." he muttered, watching the tank filling itself. This was supposed to be the last time they steal from Veronica's work, so this had to work.

"Don't worry. It should be just enough to finish the job," Veronica said, stripping off her hazmat suit to reveal her black suit underneath.

"I hope so," Stan said, briefly removing his fez and, without knowing, wipes some toxic waste that remained on his glove on his forehead. The material sizzled and briefly glowed green, sinking into his skin. "Whew. Can't be too careful with this stuff."

The two waited for a moment before red lights above the tanks started to flash and a buzzer went off. Smiling, Stan and Veronica turned to look at the screen right above their heads. The screen read "EVENT INITIALIZED" in red and an eighteen-hour countdown began. This was it. After years of waiting and preparing for what had seemed to be impossible to achieve, they were finally going to pull off their plan. The end of a long and arduous journey.

However, as close as they were to that end, Veronica still took the time to be cautious. Opening the first journal, she looked over the instructions and what the author said about the machine's operations. "We're almost to homebase, but we still have to be careful. The last time we used the machine at full power, it resulted in minor gravity anomalies all over town. We'll never be able to hide that from the town," she said.

"Aw, can it, cuz!" Stan grabbed the journal from her and slammed it on the table. "We've come this far to worry about...whatever you just said, we're not givin' up now!"

Veronica sighed and turned her attention back to the machine. He wasn't lying. She's worked tirelessly in the shadows, behind her agency's back on this project with her cousins for 30 years now. Veronica and Stan have worked together to keep the machine hidden from the eyes of the world. From the town, from their friends and family, including their own niece, nephew, and Veronica's own grandson. But now, the silence they both shared was going to end at the same time the countdown above them did. Truth be told, they didn't know how they were going to explain all of this. Luckily they had time to mentally prepare themselves for unveiling everything to them. Everything they've been hiding and everything they had hoped for, all at once.

With his resolve as hard as the day he powered back on the machine, Stan pushed a button. This activated the machine as it roared to life. The darkest of the basement was illuminated completely as the rainbow-colored ring with strange symbols started spinning rapidly. Within the ring, the energy field started to form a black, amorphous shape that resembled a water ripple. Within it was what appeared to be stars.

"Yes, this is it!" Stan cheered excitedly when he saw the ripple forming. He and Veronica hardly noticed that the conman's fez floats off of his head.

The anomalous energy wasn't just felt from down inside the basement. Outside of the Shack, rocks started to float off the ground, along with Gompers the goat, walking him up. At the lake, several boats lifted out of the water, including the Gobblewonker much to the beast's confusion. The anomaly spread all over town, including the scrapyard. Broken-down cars and junk were lifted off the ground. However, inside McGucket's makeshift shack were blinks of glowing blue light. These lights illuminated the sleeping and floating McGucket, who was completely unaware that the lights were coming from the functioning laptop. As the laptop floated inches off the table, it flashed red and now read "ACTIVE" under an image of the machine.

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