A Pair of Patrick

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Inside the Mystery Shack one day, as the sun was going down over the horizon outside, Soos placed a party cone hat on the horn of the rhino head trophy.

The reason that Soos did this strange thing was because the Shack was going to be hosting a dance party. To have it, all the weird things that were displayed were taken out. The floor had a dance floor laid out, there were chairs against the wall, lights that were hung up, a DJ station set up in the corner, and tables that had food and a punch bowl and plastic cups placed on them.

As Soos was going around placing the party hats on random things in the Mystery Shack; Patrick was standing on a ladder, handing up more of the party lights, trying his hardest not to fall off; Wendy was sitting on one of the chairs blowing up one of many balloons, before tossing it on the floor with others that she inflated.

As for Dipper and Mabel, they were sitting on a couch, with a plan to have fun and mess with Stan, who was checking everything for the party. "Oh no, Mabel," the male twin groaned, holding one hand to his stomach like he was sick, while the other one was behind his back. "I-I don't feel so good. I-BBBBLLLAAAA!" He then sprayed Silly String at Mabel's face in a fashion that made it seem like he was throwing it up on her.

"Ohhh, Grunkle Stan, what did you feed us?!" Mabel followed up by taking out her can of Silly String and barfed/sprayed it on Dipper's face. "BBBBBLLLAAAA!"

The two of them continued to pretend barfing on one another, before laughing. Stan on the other hand wasn't all that amused.

"Hahaha, barfing!" Mabel said as they stopped, before Wendy ran up to them.

"Guys, guys, stop! Something terrible just happened!" Wendy exclaimed with urgency, but also with a hand behind her back.

The twins stared at her.

"BBBBLLLAAAA!" The redhead then sprayed Silly String at the twins, also pretending that she was barfing.

Then Patrick walked up to them with a stern look. "Guys, come on! We've got to get everything ready before...before...Ah! AHHHHH!" Patrick started making noise that sounded like he was holding in a sneeze. However, it all turned out to be a prank when he quickly reached behind and pulled out two Silly Spray cans from his back pocket. "CCCCCOOOOOUUUU!" He exclaimed as he placed them close to his nose and started spraying the twins and his crush.

They all laugh hysterically. Stan still wasn't amused and was becoming increasingly annoyed, as Patrick, Wendy, and Dipper sprayed each other, while Mabel threw confetti on Stan's head and shoulders. "Comedy gold!" She shouted.

Stan had reached his limit and took away the Silly Spray and the confetti. "Alright, alright! Party supplies are now off-limits," he said, walking away with the mentioned supplies.

"Mr. Pines, whose birthday is it again," Soos asked, tying up some more decorations that he hung up.

"Nobody's. Thought this party might be a good way to get kids to spend money at the Shack," Stan said, before putting up a rolled-up paper on the wall and then unrolling to reveal it was a Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey game.


"The young people of this town want fun; I'll smother 'em with fun!"

"Oh, yes. Keep making comments like that and we'll definitely get kids to come to the Mystery Shack." Patrick said rhetorically, pouring Mabel and Dipper some Diet Pitt Peach Soda from a jug.

"Hey, hey!" Stan stopped him by grabbing and taking the jug away. "How's about you make yourself useful and copy these flyers?" He showed the three the flier he wanted copied by handing them the clipboard that had the flier attached to it.

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