Veronica and the Two Stans

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The summer sun beamed down on the empty shores of the Glass Shard Beach

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The summer sun beamed down on the empty shores of the Glass Shard Beach. As one could tell by its name, the beach doesn't really see a lot of visitors like the other beaches in New Jersey. Making it the perfect playground for a pair of twin brothers, age 12, and their cousin, age 16. The three kids from the sleepy nearby town ran across the sands of the beach while giggling and laughing. They were going on a quest for adventure and today's weather was just perfect.

"Wait up!" One of the twin brothers called after his brother and cousin.

"Heh! Yeah, you should keep up," the other brother retorted with a sly smirk. Being the more athletic of the two, he ran ahead of the two.

"Be nice to your brother," their cousin scolded the second brother. She slowed down for a moment to let the first brother catch up to her. "Come on, before he gets too far away."

"I...I can keep up!" the slower brother said a bit breathlessly. Soon the trio reached something that piqued their curiosity and their thirst for adventure. They walked up to a boarded-up cave and examined the inside of it by peeking through the two-by-fours. "Whoa!"

"Neato!" said the athletic brother.

"Mysterious, boarded-up cave!" The first brother said, taking a step back from the cave

The teenage girl looked at the "No Trespassing" signs and started to become a little nervous. "Uh, boys, I don't think we should be here."

"But think of what we could find in there," the smart brother said with excitement, taking out his flashlight. "It might be filled with lost prehistoric life forms! Or mesoamerican gold!"

"Uh, ladies first, hippy." the strong brother playfully gestured for his cousins to lead the way.

The young girl playfully punched him in the arm, which he returned as they laughed together. She looked around for a moment before noticing a rusty old crowbar laying on the ground next to the cave. Waking, she picked it up and came back over to the cave. Shoving it in between the boards before she started yanking them out and breaking them until she made a sizable opening for them fit through.

Letting out a huff, she tossed the crowbar aside and looked at the boys with a smile. "Still wanna do this," she asked with a knowing smile.

The smart brother shined his flashlight into the cave. "Whoa, it's so creepy in here!" The twin remarked.

"Hey, don't worry, bro," the stronger twins said with a confident smile. "Wherever we go, we go together. Don't forget to leave our names so they know who owns the place."

The smart brother grinned as he pulled out a permanent marker from his pocket. The three of them wrote their names on the wall before they started walking deeper into the cave. Proudly chanting their last name in unison. "Pines! Pines! Pines! Pines!"

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