The Time Pig Paradox

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Another day at Gravity Falls meant another day for Stan to scam the people of the town and any tourist that came by. This time, he was having a carnival/fair being constructed at the moment. While it was being constructed, people were working around the clock to get the thing up and running.

But it wasn't high-quality, that's for sure.

Stan was standing beside Mabel and Dipper as he explained and hyped up the fair. "There she is, you two; the cheapest fair money can rent. I spared every expense," he said.

Suddenly there was a snapping sound that came from over their heads. This was followed by Patrick screaming from the same direction. About a second later, Patrick came crashing down onto the ground in a tram car, which broke it even further. While Dipper and Mabel were startled, Stan simply turned his head with a second delay. "I think the sky tram is broken," Patrick said with wide eyes. "Take me to the hospital."

But instead of taking it seriously, Stan chuckled. "Ha ha, this guy," he said, pointing at Patrick, as the young man crawled out of the car on his stomach. "Alright, alright. I've got a job for you three." Stan then pulled out a bunch of papers with the letter A+ and a gold and blue ribbon on them. "I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit."

The old man handed the papers to Dipper, who passed some to Mabel and Patrick. "Grunkle Stan, I don't think that this is legal," said Dipper.

"Well, there's no cops around. That makes anything legal! Soos, how's that dunk tank coming along?" Stan demanded after turning towards the handyman and started walking towards him.

Soos was using a blowtorch on the handle of a dunk tank when he heard Stan. This was going to the Dunkle the Grunkle. He said and lifted up his face mask. "Almost ready to go, Mr. Pines."

Deciding to test that claim, Stan knocked on the target that was attached to the lever. Just as he asked of Soos, it was rigged so that when it was hit by a ball, the seat would barely move. "Ha, you've got it rigged from here to Timbuktu!" Stan praised Soos. "There's nothing on Earth that could knock me down!"

"Yeah, except for like a futuristic laser arm cannon," Soos stated.

Stan groaned in annoyance. "Ah. Hey, you haven't seen my red screwdriver, have ya," he asked while feeling around his body. Stan then got down and opened the toolbox and started digging around in it. "Darn thing went missing."

"Maybe some magical creature or paranormal thing-um took it."

"Oi! You've been spending too much time with those kids." Stan rolled his eyes, before he kept on digging through the toolbox. Mumbling to himself while Soos got back to work on the dunk tank. "Alright, let's see where'd I put that thing."

However, the screwdriver was actually taken by someone that was behind some of the portable toilets. The person was a heavyset, light-skinned, bald man that wore a gray and cream goggles and a light gray jacket, with simple white boots.

The bald man took out the screwdriver and began talking into his watch, which was also a communicator. "The mission is proceeding as planned. Over," he said, before using the tool on the watch. This caused the suit to suddenly change. Going to scenes of different locals, before stopping when it became transparent.

The bald man glanced back at Stan and to make sure no one saw him, before walking off. With only his head visible.

"It's 12 o'clock!" Stan shouted into the megaphone. "The Dunk Tank is now open!" The tourists covered their ears when the megaphone screeched.

The fair was finally open, and everyone in town was at the 'Mystery Fair.' It had it all from classic games like ball toss and balloon burst, to rides such as the ferris wheel and a tunnel of love.

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