Irrational History

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It's been a few days since the party at the Mystery Shack. The same night that Patrick was forced to kill his mirror clone, Maverick. His heart was still heavy, and the teen was often unable to sleep for days. He hasn't eaten as much as he used to, and was often lost in his thoughts.

Eventually he told the twins about what happened, after they frequently asked him what happened that night. They were surprised when Patrick told them he cloned himself, but found it funny how Maverick stole Robbie's bike. However, Dipper and Mabel were horrified that Maverick was going to kill their cousin to keep himself alive. And then Patrick told them how he killed his clone.

Mabel and Dipper were shocked and horrified. Not because he killed his own clone, but because their cousin almost died. The sister broke into tears and hugged him tightly, with Dipper also joining him for a group hug. Afterwards, they told Patrick that what happened wasn't his fault, and that he was forced to break Maverick. Despite knowing this, Patrick still didn't feel all that good about it.

So, the twins told him that they'll do whatever they could to help him feel better.

And that's what led to this moment.

In the town, the Pines family was sitting in Grunkle Stan's car while they were stuck in traffic.

Stan was starting to get very irritated with the traffic and honked the horn, while the kids were sitting in the back-eating chips. Patrick was sitting in between them. The bags under his eyes were more noticeable and turned a darker shade, due a result of him not being able to get much sleep. During the first days, he also wasn't eating, but luckily the twins were able to convince him to start again.

He felt a tap on his shoulder, and looked at Mabel to see that she attached nachos chips to her ears. "Haha! Check it out, Patrick. Nacho earrings. I'm hilarious!" She said in an attempt to be funny.

Patrick stared at her with his tired eyes and smiled. "That's very much debatable," he told her. Patrick knew that while she was being prideful of herself, she really was trying to cheer him up.

"Aw, come on, what's with all this traffic?" Stan exclaimed in frustration, squinting his eyes to see what was in front of him. "And why is it all..."

Crossing in front of the car were old covered wagons being pulled by horses. The one in front of them had a family who waved at them.

Patrick blinked. "Was that a covered wagon?"

But at that moment, Stan panicked like never before. "Oh no! No! No!" He yelled, looking to his left and right to see more wagons on both sides of his car. Stan quickly stomped the gas pedal and made a sharp turn, driving down another road. "Not today! Not today!"

"Stop the car!" Patrick yelled, fearfully pointing to a few women in front of them. Stan hit the brakes and stopped the car before he could run them over. This spooked the women of course, but they saw that they were carrying baskets of apples while wearing old clothing. And there was even a swan with them.

Stan quickly shifted into reverse and began driving the car backwards.

"Grunkle Stan, what's going on?" Dipper inquired, as he and Mabel were as freaked out as Patrick.

"We gotta get outta here. Before it's too late!" Stan exclaimed, looking over his shoulder to see where he was going. He then suddenly brought the car to a shrieking stop. Looking all around, Stan saw that they were now trapped between a group of covered wagons that were circling around the car. "They've circled the wagons! We're trapped! Nooooooooo!"

While Patrick and Dipper were wondering what the heck just happened, Mabel heard the sound of a cow bell from her side. She looked outside her window and saw a cow staring at her with big cute eyes. "I've gotta good feeling about today," she told the others.

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