The Nightmare Spirit

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In the early morning on a hot day in Gravity Falls, the Pines kids were off on another mission. Last night, they got the computer back from Soos, who got it working again. However, all the information, all the knowledge to everything they could ever ask for, was locked behind a password. Dipper tried looking for it in the journal but found nothing.

However, there was one likely source, which brings us to the present. Patrick, Dipper, and Mabel stood together at the entrance of the sewer system. He held the laptop in one hand while looking into the abyss of the sewer. "So, this is it," he said. "We're really going into the sewers."

"Yep!" Mabel said brightly.

"And we're going in there because?" Patrick shrugged, not too thrilled about going down into the sewers. "The last time we went underground for anything, we nearly got killed by a pteranodon!"

"Because we need to unlock that laptop," Dipper argued, pulling out the journal. Flipping through the pages, he stopped at one and showed it to his cousin. It showed the drawing of a rat and a sewer drain. "According to legend, there was a creature known as the Rat King that lives in the underground sewer system. It is said that it knows all and is the keeper of all the secrets of the people in Gravity Falls. If we find it, maybe it can tell us the password!"

"Oh! Oh!" Mabel shouted, raising her hand and jumping from foot to foot. When the two boys turned to her, she said, "What if the password is...password!?"

Dipper frowned at her. "Mabel, there's no way someone as brilliant as the Author is going to have a password like that."

"Well, hang on, Dipper. Maybe she's onto something," Patrick insisted. He opened the laptop and typed in PASSWORD. Luckily it was an 8-letter word, so all the letters fit into it. But when Patrick pressed enter, the screen flashed red.

"What about...codeword?!" Mabel exclaimed.

Patrick typed in the word, but it was incorrect. "Nope!" He said, then sighed. Guess they'll have to go into the sewer after all.

He and the twins pulled out their own flashlights. Slowly and cautiously, they entered into the tunnel, shining their lights in the direction their heads turned. It was dark with water covering the bottom of the tunnel and some moss on the walls. Over their heads were tree roots that broke through the metal.

As Dipper walked ahead, Patrick and Mabel walked together until the girl heard something. She looked up, shining her light onto the ceiling of the tunnel. Mabel looked back down and started walking with her family.

Suddenly, something grabbed her.

She screamed, and Patrick whirl around with a startled expression. But he saw nothing. Not even her. "Mabel? Mabel!" He called out to his cousin, finding her flashlight lying on the ground.

He suddenly heard Dipper screaming, and when he turned around, he saw him being dragged away by someone or something!

"I'm coming, Dipper!" Patrick yelled and ran around the corner. He cashed after his cousin in desperation. But as Patrick continued running down the long dark tunnel, Patrick saw no sign of Dipper. Eventually, he stopped and looked around. Breathing rapidly, scared of what happened to his family.

"It's okay, Patrick."

Patrick's body froze. Not that he was covered in ice, but his body locked up. Not moving at all as his eyes widened as far as they could go, and his pupils shrunk down to little dots. Slowly, he turned around and shined his light down the way he came. And what he saw made him gasp.

Standing a few meters away was a little boy about four years old. He had short dark hair and had deathly pale skin, wearing blue overalls with a light blue t-shirt, white socks, and white and red sneakers.

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