The Deep End

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If there were a hell on earth, it was Gravity Falls during a heat wave. And at 110 degrees, the town was looking at the hottest day of the summer! Inside the Mystery Shack, with the air conditioning out because of the hot frying it, the house was a melting pot. Wax Stan melted, the wallpaper curled and peeled off by itself, and water in the fish tank boiled due to the heat. Not enjoying the heat, Patrick ditched his shirt and was holding an electric fan up to his face as he sat in the kitchen. Mabel, Dipper, Stan, and Soos were in the living room and were tortured by the heat too. Dipper took his shirt off and was fanning himself with his hat. Soos had taken all of his clothes, but kept his underwear on. Mabel was wearing a tank-top and short shorts, and Stan was laying on the floor in his lazy clothes and an empty ice cream tub on his stomach.

"Watch out, Gravity Falls, because at 110 degrees, we're looking at the hottest day of the summer!" Toby Determined stated the obvious on the radio. Patrick looked out the window and saw the squirrel running across the grass, before erupting into flames.

"Another one bites the dust," Patrick said, grabbing a dry-erase board and placing another tally down. That was the seventh squirrel today. "More like bites the ashes."

"All in favor of doing nothing all day say 'ugh,'" Dipper muttered. All of them instantly moan their response. The only one that wasn't affected was Waddles. The pig walked into the living room and up to Stan's head.

"I'm gonna throw this pig out of the house!" Stan yelled, but then Waddles started licking some of the ice cream off his cheek. "You called my bluff, pig."

"On the bright side, pun very much intended, it's opening week at the Gravity Falls Pool." Toby's announcement made the five people in the house perk up.

"Gravity Falls Pool?" Mabel shot up.

"Opening week?" Dipper jumped off the chair.

"Today?" Patrick echoed with an excited grin.

"Pun intended?" Soos added, sitting upright.

"Quick! To the car!" Everyone got up to get ready to go, but when Stan tried to get up, he found himself stuck to the floor. It must have been all of the sweat he expelled from his body. "Hey, kids, a little help here?" Patrick grabbed the crowbar from the table, before sticking the flat end under Stan. With all of his strength, he pried Stan off the floor. "Alright! Off to the pool!"

Stan turned around and walked out the door. Not realizing that his back still had the wooden floorboards stuck to him when Patrick broke him free. Leaving a hole in the floor. Patrick turned to the twins and asked, "How do you think it'll take him to find out?"

"And remember to be on alert for random wildfires!"

"Wait, what?" Stan stopped out in the sun, before his body suddenly combusted. As he screamed in agony, Patrick grabbed the fire extinguisher and ran outside to put out the fire.

Mabel then turned to Dipper. "He'll be fine?"

When the family got to the pool, they saw that almost everyone in Gravity Falls had the same idea as them, as people were already there and having fun. The pool itself was large and rectangular, and it had a diving board. There are lounge chairs surrounding it, as well as a concession stand, a bathroom, and a supply shack. The entire pool area was enclosed with a chain link fence.

"Ah, the pool! A sparkling oasis of summer enchantment!" Mabel announced as she gestured to the surroundings, wearing a pink swimsuit with a yellow star on the front. Stan wore a light and dark gray striped swim shirt and shorts, with his fez still on his head. Soos was wearing a pair of purple swim trunks, Dipper had on a pair of red swim shorts, and Patrick was wearing a skin tight red and blue swim shirt and blue swim trunks, and also kept on his boonie hat.

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