Jurassic Pork

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Late at night, and the road going out of Gravity Falls was all quiet with no cars going down it. However, there was one car that was next to a billboard with Gideon's face on it. It was an SUV that was used by Veronica and her agency. In the back of the SUV, Veronica was sitting in front of the many computers, radios, and radar with a headset on.

"How's it going out there," she asked on the headset. Veronica was talking to her partner that was outside and up in the trees hooking up a piece of radar equipment that'll detect and track any moving object.

"The radar's almost up. I'm going to test it out."

"Alright, go ahead, I'm ready," Veronica said, flipping a few switches.

"Okay, I'm turning on the-"

The radio contact was suddenly cut off.

All Veronica could hear was static on her headset. Confused by this, she tapped her right earphone with her index finger. "Hello? You still there?" She asked, starting to get worried. "Hello?"

Suddenly the van was rocked as large, scaly claws punctured through the metal roof and grabbed it. Knocking Veronica off her car. On the ground, she felt the SUV left off the ground before the roof was pulled and ripped right off of the vehicle. Veronica yelled as gravity pulled the vehicle back down, crashing down in the middle of the road.

Grunting in pain, Veronica stumbled out of the SUV and looked up to the sky. She gasped at the sight of what the creator was. Pulling out her phone, she called back to base. "Uh...base, this is Veronica. We've got a problem...65 million years in the making," she said into it while still staring at the sky.

Up in the sky, a Pterodactyl flew past the moon, letting out a roar.

Two days after Wendy was cured of the werewolf's curse, Stan was once again at work making money off of tourists. This time, he was giving a tour with the Mystery Cart. "Ladies and gentlemen! Continuing our Mystery Tour you'll see the world-famous Outhouse of Mystery!" He announced to the tourists, passing by the outhouse with two signs that pointed to it. They were set up by Patrick when he was dragged out of bed early in the morning by Stan to put them up. The tourist 'Oooed' at the sight of the outhouse. "I got stuck in there once!"

"Could I go to the bathroom?" asked a young boy holding his crotch to hold in his pee

"Save all questions until after the tour." The boy sighed in misery. But then the cart drove over a bump. The boy looked down and sighed again. Not having to go anymore. Stan continued driving down the road, away from the Shack."And up ahead if you look really closely, everybody, get your cameras! You're gonna wanna see this."

Meanwhile, at the Mystery Shack, completely alone, Mabel and Waddles looked out the window. A grin of excitement spread on her face when she saw her Grunkle driving away. "Finally, Waddles, we have the whole house to ourselves!" She exclaimed to her loyal pig as he sat in front of her. Mabel then started tapping her chin in a thoughtful way. "What do you think? Dance party?"

Waddles oinked.

"I'm not hearing a no!"

Mabel rushed to the door of the shop and flipped the sign from "open" to "close". The twin girl then turned on the volume of a boom-box, making the words "PIG DANCE PARTY" appear on the screen. For the next few hours, Mabel spent the whole time dancing by herself and with Waddles. Then they started eating popsicles off the floor after she threw them down. After that, Mabel squished Waddles' face, before they wore sunglasses and took pictures, ate books, danced on the floor and table, even break dancing.

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