The Haunting of Northwest Manor

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The Northwest Manor; the pinnacle of the Northwest family's wealth and power. It was a gigantic house that was two stories tall on the top of a mountain. Surrounding the manor was a wall, with a deer statue placed atop each corner. The front yard of the Northwest Manor had water fountains, peacocks, and a statue that resembled Pacifica behind a large metal gate. Two patches of hedges were cut to spell the letters "N" and "W."

Built 150 years ago, after the town's founding, it remains the most lavish and largest building in Gravity Falls. However, it also played host to an annual party known as the Northwest Fest. A legendary party, one that's carried a very high reputation that extended far beyond the borders of the town. And now, the time has come for this year's party.

It was noon, and the weather was thunder storming all day, but inside the extravigate mansion was bustling with activity as the various staff and servants bustled about. Preparing for the celebration that promised to be even more posh and elegant than the last. These rumors were circulated from both Preston Northwest and his trophy wife, Priscilla.

They were in the dining room, overseeing the preparations for the event. Priscilla was reading her husband's guest list and was pleased with what she saw. "Preston, I must say, the guest list for this year's party has so much diversity!"

"Yes, a nice mix of millionaires and billionaires," Priston said proudly as one of his servants handed him the day's newspaper. But when he saw one of his servants incorrectly setting down a fork on the table, the billionaire swatted the servant's hand with the paper. "Put the oyster fork at an angle! We're not animals, man!"

"Now where the devil is—?" Priscilla cut her sentence short when she turned her head to the doorway to see Pacifica making her appearance in a lake foam green dress. Her mother gasped. "Pacifica!" Pacifica curtsied, smiling brightly as she stride into the room. She was excited to wear this type of dress for the party. However, her mother was far from pleased with her. "What did I tell you about that dress? The theme is sea foam green, not lake foam green! Go change!"

"But, I- I kinda like it," Pacifica said with a frown. She had hoped that her mother wouldn't have noticed but Priscilla's sharp eye for fashion beat her own taste in this case.

"Mind your mother, Pacifica," Preston warned, giving his daughter a critical glance

"But--" Preston silenced her when he pulled out a small bell and rang it. Pacifica winced when it rang and solemnly nodded. Knowing she had no choice but to obey. "Yes, father...." she muttered meekly, glancing down.

But then the entire dining room floor began shaking as if it was being rattled by a major earthquake. And yet, this was no ordinary tremor, as the table, plates and utensils clatter, before everything on the table started rising into the air by an unseen force. The Northwests and their staff stared and gasped in terror when they witnessed this.

"Oh no!" Preston exclaimed fearfully, knowing exactly what was going on. "It's... happening."

Suddenly, the furniture and dinnerware were sent flying everywhere at the unfortunate individuals present. Many of the servants fled altogether to escape the dangerous baradage of inanimate objects. Some weren't so lucky, with one of the servants getting stabbed in the shoulder by one of the knives. Everyone else ducked or hid underneath tables for cover.

Preston did his best to fend off the attacking objects, with little avail. "You are my possessions!" He yelled, swatting a plate away. "Obey me!"

More things zoomed at his head. He let out a frightened scream as he ducked underneath the table. Joining his wife and daughter. Other servants were there too. With some pulling injured coworkers into cover from the deadly objects.

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