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Gravity Falls. A mysterious, sleepy, small town in the eastern part of the state of Oregon. It's not on any known maps and people have hardly ever heard of it. For those that have heard of it know that it is anything but a normal town. Not only was it founded by a president that history would rather forget, but it was also a hotspot for many supernatural occurrences. Some would say that it existed inside of a twilight zone between reality and fantasy. Between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge.

It was midnight, the day after the Pines family had gotten the Mystery Shack back from Gideon. The winds were calm as not a sound was made from the forest. Suddenly the ground shook. Inside the Mystery Shack, Patrick was sleeping soundly in his bed when a massive blue light started glowing from underneath the floorboards. It grew larger and larger, before stopping and disappearing.

Patrick got up from his bed and walked over to where he had a night light plugged into the wall. With tired, squinting eyes, he pulled it out of the outlet and tossed on the couch. He then got back under the covers and went back to sleep.

However, down below in a secret underground lab that neither he or the twins knew about, there was something going on. Something that they could've never imagined. Stan and Veronica had just activated a giant machine. A machine that the journals created the blueprint for.

"We did it, Veronica. Thirty long years and it's all led up to this. Our greatest achievement!" Stan exclaimed. Both elderly cousins could hardly believe that this was finally happening. There was a pause as Stan looked down and noticed that he was still in his tank top and underwear. "Probably should've worn pants."

The machine surged and sparked out some bolts of lighting. Hitting the ground in front of Veronica and hitting Stan's shoulder. Setting it on fire. Stan quickly patted himself on his shoulder to get rid of the fire. "Feisty," Veronica said with a smile.

They then walked out of the machine's room and got back to the control room. The secret agent flipped some switches on the switchboard and looked up. A screen in the ceiling over the window slid open and showed a readout of a lot of code running on the black screen.

To the normal person, it looked like a bunch of gibberish, but to Veronica and Stan, it made sense. The moment they've been waiting for was coming. "This is it. It'll take some time before the machine is completely activated," she told him. The machine emitting laser rays and the ring also changed the color by each slot. "And once it starts, we'll have to keep it stabilized and constantly running."

"But if we finally pull this off, it'll all have been worth it," Stan said to Veronica, sitting down in his chair. "We just have to keep playing it cool; if anyone ever finds out about this. Are you sure that your agency doesn't know anything about this?"

"I'm positive. I've given everyone the day off today for when we turn on the machine," Veronica told him with a serious expression. There should be no one at the base to detect the energy pulse. But Stan, I'm worried about the kids." She sadly looked at the picture of Patrick, Dipper, and Mabel. "They're going to find out sooner or later, Stanley. And when they..."

"Yeah, right. we've come this far. Who could possibly catch us now?" Stan asked, brushing off his cousin's concerns. He then grabbed a 6-fingered glove and slid it on his hand, leaving the far pinky finger empty.

Veronica paused for a moment. Stan was right. This was what they've been building towards for a long time. Their last chance to finish what they've started and make things right. She didn't care if the government labeled her as a rogue agent. In all honesty, she's been preparing for that day. But now it was time to make history, and as long as she continued to put on her facade and remain a somewhat innocent little old woman, then she was safe. As long as no one finds out, things will all go according to plan.

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